Help Your Dog Stay Worry-free During Fireworks

Help Your Dog Stay Worry-free During Fireworks

Loud noises and sounds can really freak dogs and cat out, and a fireworks show is probably the worst noise monster a fearful pet can face. While our kitties seem to be pretty chill to any fireworks in our neighbourhood, I have a friend whose cat did not come out from under the bed for an entire day afterwards. And did you know that more dogs go missing during holidays featuring fireworks than any other day? So…seeing as we know nights of fireworks will be coming up in July, here are some ways to help your dog and cat stay a little more comfortable.

little dog on bed nervous about fireworks

1. Plan ahead.

It’s a good idea to check for the dates of community fireworks displays during celebratory seasons, and make sure your dog’s collar ID and microchip registration are up to date. Big dates like Victoria Day, Canada Day, and New Year’s almost always have some sort of show in the respective cities within the GTA, so mark those down and make a plan.

2. Create distance.

When you know a firework display is scheduled nearby, or you see your neighbors setting up for a display, ask a friend if you can bring your dog over for an evening chat or movie – unless your dog finds trips even more stressful. Simply removing them from the situation may be the best option.

3. Set up a quiet safe space.

If leaving your home is out of the question for you and your dog, set up a safe space in your home. This is ideally a place where your dog is comfortable and the sound of fireworks is muffled, like a finished basement or an internal room like a walk-in closet. In our home, the bathroom seems to be a favourite for our cats when scary noises abount (think: fire alarm!) Spend time with your dog there, with toys and treats, well before fireworks season begins, not just the day of.

4. Go for a long walk well before dark.

A happily tired dog is a more relaxed dog. Exercise your pup with fun play or a long walk so they are ready to nap when night falls. Make sure their collar or harness is slip-proof, because some people celebrate with firecrackers and other noisemakers before darkness falls.

5. Close windows and curtains.

This further muffles the sound and blocks out quick, flashes of light

6. Turn on the TV, music, or white noise.

Sit down to your favourite TV show and watch that together. Or, dance to music. Even things like a fan, can provide a familiar, alternate sound. Just make sure whatever you use is already familiar to your dog – even fans can be anxiety-causing if they are fired up without warning.

7. Try an anxiety wrap.

Soft, stretchy jackets and vests built specifically for a dog’s shape are reported to be effective at reducing anxiety. I suggest you slowly introduce your dog to their coat well before fireworks season descends. My parents’ dog has a Thundershirt that sometimes help – although not always – but they are worth trying.

8. Consult a professional.

Is your dog or cat’s quality of life suffering, or are they so panicked they could injure themselves, or you, while trying to escape? Dog trainers, dog behaviorists, veterinarians, and veterinary behaviorists can offer a range of options from counter-conditioning to medication.

Any other tips that you have found helpful? Please share them with me here.

Local Dog-Lover’s Guide to Toronto and the GTA

Local Dog-Lover’s Guide to Toronto and the GTA

Life in Toronto is fast-paced, expensive, and you can always find something to do. But it’s not just us humans who can have adventures around town. With so many dog moms and cat dads, the community is becoming more and more pet-friendly and there are ways to go out on the town with your dog or adventure cat.

Looking for something to do? I’ve put together a quick list of my absolute favourite dog and cat-friendly places around Toronto so you and your furry friend can adventure out together!

dog getting treat from mom

1. A pet-friendly patio

So many craft breweries are cropping up around the city and their patios often welcome pets. Take your pick from Black Lab Brewing (Leslieville), Stone Lion Pub (The Beaches), Mill Street Brewery (Distillery District), High Park Brewery (The Junction), and Brunswick Bier Works (East York). Some feature pet menus, a treat from your server, or special pet-themed events. Check them out and let us know your favourites!

If you’re looking for non-alcoholic options, check out your local Starbucks, Balzac’s Coffee Roasters, Tom & Sawyer, and Rooster Coffee House.

2. A night away with your best friend.

A few years ago, we were planning a special family event and wanted to include the dogs. I phoned hotel after hotel and could only find TWO that accepted pets. Fast-forward to today and thankfully travel is getting easier for pet parents. From dog-friendly hotels to awesome pet lodges, if you need to leave town (or even go on a well-earned staycation), you now have choices.

If you want to splurge, I highly recommend Hotel X. (Shameless plug: We are their designated pet photographer so you can include a photography session during your stay – see link) Not only do they welcome your dog or cat with its own bed, treats, and other goodies, but the view is to die for!

3. Have a day of pampering and shopping.

There are groomers and then there are the groomers at Hound & Purr. The owner, Victoria, has many fans among the cute and furry and her team of groomers gets high praises from the humans too! One of the best things is that they not only just groom dogs – they have special cat days so that fabulous felines can get their well-deserved pampering in an environment free of stress.

Hound & Purr is also an independant boutique and Victoria works hard to bring in local and unique items. So you and your pet can have a great shopping experience too.

Know of an awesome dog-loving spot I missed? Send me a quick message here and let me know! I’m always looking for new places to check out.
Your Pet’s 360 – The Most Important Relationships in your Dog and Cat’s Life

Your Pet’s 360 – The Most Important Relationships in your Dog and Cat’s Life

dog family photographer

When I worked in Human Resources, we used to conduct what are called 360s for all of our management and high-performers. One reason being, you wanted to see how healthy their relationship was with the people around them and make tweaks as necessary. (I’m purposely being very brief here…ha!)

When it comes to our pets, the relationships our dogs and cats have with the people and animals in their lives also need to be healthy. We need to take stock and see what is working and what might need some changes.

The first step is identifying the people that have the most impact on your pet’s well-being. So, read on to see our list of the people who we feel are important to your pet’s own happy, healthy life. 

1. YOU (of course!)

In this case, you know you are #1. You are the one constant in their life and your pet looks forward to time spent with you, even if it is just in the mundane things of life. Spending time with them is vital.

In our house, Panda, is incredibly bonded to my husband I. Especially as we had to say goodbye to her furry brother, Baxter, last December.

We spend at least 20 minutes a day in active play where she zooms around all of the rooms. And, since the pandemic, she has learned new skills: she now knows that the words “let’s go to work!” mean that she will hop up on her bed beside my desk and has quickly become the best co-worker ever; she recognizes the sound of coffee being made to mean that lactose-free milk will be not too far behind; and she spends the rest of the day either sitting on me or napping beside us. We are her world.

2. Their compassionate veterinarian

Next to you, your pet’s veterinarian and clinic staff may be the most important people in his or her life. So, it’s vital that you cement that relationship with an annual check-up in addition to visiting when your pet doesn’t feel well. Or just drop in to say “hi!” so vet visits aren’t always scary. While the pandemic has made this more of a challenge, speak with your veterinarian to see what can be arranged.

We’ve always chosen our vets on the fact that they are exceptionally compassionate and truly care about our pet’s well-being. That, coupled with no “guilt trip” when discussing expensive medical options when helping us to navigate the unavoidable goodbye, has made us loyal to our clinic for 20 years.

And if you are in a bind and need emergency advice, there are services like Vetster, that are on-call, 24-hour connections to veterinarians.

3. Their reliable pet-sitter

Some pets grow to really love their pet sitter, whether they are a professional or your best human friends. Not only do they go to great lengths to make sure your dog has loving company, food, water, and exercise, they make sure your home is safe and secure, too.

A point about cats: While some feel that they can leave cats for days on end with ‘enough food’, I believe that it is not enough. We have never left our cats overnight without someone staying with them. It started with Ripley, who had terrible fears of being abandoned (he was a rescue who had his family move on him and leave him behind), and it has continued with all 4 of our kitties.

4. Their furry best friend

Humans are great! But when it comes to romping in the yard or curling up for a nap, some pets really enjoy the company of their own fuzzy kind. Baxter was Panda’s very best friend. If your pet craves companionship from a fellow canine or feline, call a fellow pet parent for a hike or a playdate.

Or if there is room in your heart and your home, it may be time to adopt another pet as a full-time best friend. Of course, choose wisely. We are currently in the process of deciding whether Panda needs another friend. Her days and nights were filled with Baxter, so she’s obviously had to adjust. But, I know that if we find the perfect boy companion, we will welcome another furry heart into our family.

5. Their soothing groomer.

A genuine bond between a pet and their groomer often lasts a lifetime. A great groomer can take a stressful bath event and turn it into a feel-good spa day. The fact that your groomer understands your dog’s unique needs and your particular desires when it comes to the final result, makes them invaluable. Your pet’s monthly relationship with their groomer involves trust and respect on both ends of the table.

6. Their good time dog walker.

Cue all the butt wiggles when the dog walker shows up! When you can’t be home, the dog walker is the one you and your dog trust for potty breaks, exercise and just plain good fun. 

How to know if you have found the right dog walker? Check out the 4-step process here.

In conclusion…

Who are the people in your pet’s relationship circle? Friend, family, or professional, be sure to let them know how much you both appreciate their expertise, care, and affection. A card, text, or just a heartfelt “thank you” will say aloud what your pet can only articulate with a happy nudge and welcoming eyes.

You Might Be A Pet Mum Or Dad If…

You Might Be A Pet Mum Or Dad If…

While some dogs guardians think of themselves as owners rather than pet parents, Dog Mums and Cat Dads are an entirely different breed! You definitely have the rights to call yourself a Pet Parent if you can check off at least half of these pet-pampering traits.

dog giving dog dad a kiss

1. You celebrate your dog’s Gotcha Day.

You count it among one of the best days of your life – certainly of your pets. And yes, it is celebrated with presents, and parties, and cards, of course.

2. Their health comes first.

You’ve been putting off a big expense for your house for years, but when your pet needs a dental cleaning, you pull out your credit card without hesitation.

3. You call your dog or cat grand pup or grand kitty when you discuss your pet with your parents.

And in some cases, you let them know that your pets may be the only grandchildren they’ll ever meet.

4. Your phone’s camera roll is 99.5% pics of your pup

You will delete apps to make room for more photos. You happily show the photos off to complete strangers. In fact, you’ve made new friends that way!

4. You sleep with your pet.

Notice the wording: you sleep with your pet. Not that they sleep with you. After all, you all agree that it is their bed anyway.

5. The very first thing you do when you get home from work is hug your dog!

And they greet you at the door looking for the hug.

6. You’ve given your dog several silly nicknames — and a middle name, too.

And they greet you at the door looking for the hug. Our cat does this too. And if she is not there when I return home, I go looking for her to ask her why.

7. Vacation planning always revolves around your dog or cat.

Absolutely. Plans are not finalized until you have made arrangements for their care.

8. You cook for your dog and cat.

Recipes abound with tasty treats and healthy meals for your pet. You might even spend more time cooking for them than yourself.

9. You have closet envy.

They have a wardrobe because you dress your dog (as long as your dog “approves”). If you don’t do “costumes”, your pet still probably has a weatherproof jacket, a snuggly sweater, and even cats have at least a simple bowtie or bandana for special occasions.

10. You arrange for play dates.

Whether it is meetups in the park, regular passes to daycare of a sitter/cuddler/walker that comes in regularly, you make sure that your pet has a social life.

So…are you a Dog/Cat Mum/Dad? Let me know below and tell me what I left off of the list…

Bonus #11: You have had a professional portrait session for you pet.

For your dog. For your cat. Choose a photographer whose style speaks to you and whose images you adore! If you think you want one with us, see some details, below:


Where it all begins

  • Pre-session Design Consult that ensures we create images you will be thrilled with.
  • The result is gorgeous custom artwork the life your pet shares with your family.
  • A personal Ordering Consultation to ensure you select the right images from the gallery.
  • Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed for a small additional fee.
  • Examples of portraits from Posh Pets Boutique™ Sessions can be found here.

To Kiss Or Not To Kiss Your Pet? That is the question…

To Kiss Or Not To Kiss Your Pet? That is the question…

Here at Posh Pets® Photography, we are a divided camp. I have always regularly kissed our pets – after all, they know me and I love them. My husband? Not so much. He loves them just as much as I do, but he’s not a fan of putting his lips to fur.

But even I – a diehard fan of physical affection – knows that kissing your dog or cat may not always be for the best. So, here are 4 questions to ask yourself before leaning in for the kiss.

dog getting treat from mom

1. Where has that adorable nose and tongue been? 

All that is between your face and another dog’s bum is your dog’s cute nose. Where was it last? Burying a treat in the mud? Snuffling a dead squirrel they found in the yard? Licking their butt or that of some other animal’s? Think about that for a minute…

As for their tongue, remember that it is essentially your pet’s dinner fork and washcloth, lapping up food, cleaning up messes, and sometimes vomiting. Cats do all of that as well, but also use their tongue to groom themselves to remove dirt and debris. They don’t often lick you – but if they do as ours have – you’ll notice that their tongues are a little prickly. Be prepared for that sensation.

2. What is your health like?

Parasites like hookworms, roundworms, and giardia can be passed from pets to people. Pasteurella, bartonella henselae, salmonella, E.coli and more can infect both canines and humans.

Now, a healthy person won’t easily catch something from their dog or cat, but that is because of your robust immune system. But after 2 years in a global pandemic, we all know a thing or two about what happens when people with weak immune systems come in contact with illnesses. So, if you are on medications that suppress your immune system, or are battling a serious illness like cancer, you may have a harder time warding off infections. So, be careful.

Children and seniors may also have less robust immune systems, so perhaps stick to cuddles.

Remember too, the presence of allergies. Many complain of allergic reactions to cat dander. Dog saliva may be a more potent allergen than their dander. So, if you are allergic to dogs or cats, forget the kisses.

4. What is your pet’s health like?

If you choose to pucker up with your pet, keep it clean. Ensure they are healthy by having regular vet visits, de-worming as necessary and, picking up poop in the yard. Cats need regular vet visits as well (This month is #NationalCatHealthMonth which encourages cat mums and cat dads to take their feline’s health seriously.) Ensure that their litter box is kept clean.

3. Does your dog or cat want to?

Consent is everything. Lots of dogs aren’t comfortable with face-to-face contact. They may lick their lips, turn their head away, or show the whites at the side of their eyes to silently tell you NO. Respect their silent warnings, or nip or bite could follow.

Cats are often even more annoyed by kisses or even kissy noises. Often, they’ll simply turn around and walk away, tail held high. Respect their choice. And remember that they have claws. One well-placed swat and you could be dealing with infection.

In conclusion…

So, to kiss or not to kiss? It’s totally up to you. I photograph many clients who love cuddling up to their pet and we get gorgeous, natural portraits full of love and kisses. Others opt for not. Either way, let your dog and cat know you love them and your relationship will flourish.
Treats For My Sweet | What We Use During Pet Photography Sessions

Treats For My Sweet | What We Use During Pet Photography Sessions

It’s been a tough couple of years, but if there is an upside, it has been all of the extra time with our pets. They have seen us through thick and thin and, here in Toronto multiple rounds of lockdowns, so is it no wonder that we feel like spoiling them a bit? I know that here in the Posh Pets® Photography house, we are definitely making time for play and treatos.

Talking about treats, let’s face it: we all like treats – why would your dog or cat be any different? So, if you are in the mood to try something new (it is January, after all), check out the list below to find the tasty treats that we actually use during our photography sessions. I have a broad range of sizes and tastebuds in my discerning furry clientele, so these are all double and triple-tested in the field! The added bonus is that we try hard to support local, Canadian options, so we’ve included links and a few discount codes for you!

dog getting treat from mom

1. Crunchy

These beloved traditional “biscuits” are hard and crunchable (cronch is good!), and come in a variety of sizes and colors. Because they have a low moisture content, they don’t require seal-tight packaging and are a favorite of businesses who like to give their customer’s canine sidekicks a little something special at checkout. 

♥ What we use: Northern Biscuit from Concord, Ontario.  These biscuits are loved by everyone and they have the best names! (To receive 20% off your order, use POSHPETS20 at checkout. Valid until February 10, 2022.)

2. Soft + Chewy

These treats come in all sorts of sizes, shapes and flavors and are sniffably good! Because they are so attractive to canine noses and taste buds and can be easily broken into smaller bits, they are great as training rewards.

♥ What we use: Farm Fresh Pet Foods from Edmonton, Alberta.

3. Baked

Just like it sounds, these treats have that homemade vibe because they are baked in ovens. Single-ingredient, healthy options abound and they can often be broken up into smaller portions and used for training.

♥ What we use: Healthybud from Montreal, Quebec. (To receive 10% off your order, use POSHPETS10 at checkout.)

4. Freeze-Dried

Treats that are a raw food that has had its moisture removed through a freezing and drying process that sometimes includes pasteurization to decrease bacteria.  These intriguing morsels can be fed out of the bag or plumped up by adding water.

♥ What we use: Benny Bully’s from Mississauga, Ontario

5. Cat Treats

As you know, I photograph a fair number of cats and need some good options to keep the feline attention. We also have a picky cat at home – Panda has consistently turned her nose up at anything labelled a ‘cat treat’ and I have history of donating or throwing away bags and bags of treats. However, there is one that she will come running for. So, if you are looking for a cat treat, that might be one to try.

♥ What we use: Feline Greenies™ Dental Treats   The Roast Chicken and Tuna flavours are a favourite. Greenies are manufactured in the United States and imported by Mars Petcare Canada located in Bolton, Ontario.

Remember, treats are yummy but high in calories, too. You don’t want a pudgy pup or chubby cat! Choose treats that are appropriate to the size of your pet, and keep them to less than 10% of their diet. Use treats as a reward for good behavior, and both you and your sidekick will keep moving toward the best life ever.

Winter Blah-Busting for You and Your Pet | Dogs and Cats

Winter Blah-Busting for You and Your Pet | Dogs and Cats

Are you getting that sad eyes look more and more these days? Winter officially arrives this month and, whether your pup is a snoozing-potato-on-the-couch or one who thinks that playing in the white stuff is the best, chances are that at least one of you isn’t thrilled about dropping temps. Of course, here in Canada, Winter is our middle name. In Toronto, every day is different – we run the gamut of beautiful white snow and milder temps all the way through to those icy, cold days when no one wants to venture out. And sometimes all those types of weather happen in the same day!

No matter what your Winter looks like, it can be tempting to spend these months holed up watching movies and cuddling on the couch.  And there’s nothing at all wrong with that – until you and your dog are ready for it to be done. So, whenever that hits this winter, here’s a handy list of blah-busting winter activities you and your pup can enjoy together!

1. Play Hide-And-Seek

Remember playing this as a kid? (99,100…ready of not here I come…!) If you’ve never tried this with your pup you are both in for a treat! Plus, it’s fantastic practice for recall and can be played anywhere your dog is able to be off-leash – even indoors. 

It’s simple: Have your dog stay in one room of the house while you go and hide in another. Call your dog and see how long it takes for him or her to find you. When they do, ensure they get lots of praise and treats.

If you are going to do this outside, hide behind an object like a tree. If you are not in an off-leash area, have a friend hold the leash, but let the dog lead the way to find you.

Did you know cats can play this too? I’ve often played hide-and-seek with our cat, Panda, who loves to show off how smart she is when she easily finds us!

pet photography session in winter with snow

2. Be Nosey

Dog noses are amazing things and can be the path to great adventures! Letting dogs sniff freely is a great way to let them explore and can lead you both to unexpected places and sights. So when the winter blahs get you, consider taking a short trip outside and letting your dog’s nose lead the way. You might be surprised where you end up!

pet photography session in winter with snow

3. Be Crafty

I never considered myself a ‘crafty’ person, but months of lockdown proved me wrong. I also learned that we can all express our creative side in different ways. No matter your personal crafting abilities, winter is a fun time to let those creative ideas flow.

For me, I experimented with artist materials like resin, alcohol ink, watercolour, and card stock which led me to begin Posh Pets® Ink! (You can see all the lovely pet-inspired goods here.)

 So, if there is something you have wanted to try, dark nights spent indoors might be the time to try. Looking for ideas? Find some fun ones along with instructions here

DIY things to do that involve pets

4. Create a Tunnel Maze

So many of us shop online and you can feel a little guilty when you see how much packaging goes to waste. Why not get some extra mileage out of your boxes laying around and extend the joy? Dogs love dens, so you can encourage them with a few treats and cozy blankets and they should love their temporary digs pretty quickly. And cats…well, just put the box down. We built a 3-story maze with entrances and exits last winter and the cats had a ball!

Have I left anything out? Email me and tell me how you and your dog and cat beat the Winter Blahs.

Winter Snow Sessions are a thing! Where would you like to go with your pup?


Where it all begins

  • Pre-session Design Consult that ensures we create images you will be thrilled with.
  • The result is gorgeous custom artwork the life your pet shares with your family.
  • A personal Ordering Consultation to ensure you select the right images from the gallery.
  • Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed for a small additional fee.
  • Examples of portraits from Posh Pets Boutique™ Sessions can be found here.
Saying Goodbye to Baxter

Saying Goodbye to Baxter

I have tears in my eyes as I am writing this post. It’s the type of news I never expected to share; certainly not this soon.

Last Sunday, we had to say goodbye to the goodest of cats: our boy, Baxter.

silver tabby cat

Baxter came to us from Toronto Animal Services on a dark, rainy evening in November 2012. From the beginning, he was the best cat. Calm, confident and kind to all; there will never be another. (Read his coming home story here.)

He left us on a dark, rainy afternoon after 3 nights in the ICU ward. I hate to think that he spent his last nights in a hospital, but we were trying to save him. And I honestly thought we would be able to bring him home, even if it was for a short time.

His diagnosis was acute-on-chronic renal failure. Unbeknownst to us, his right kidney was small (from genetics or disease) and his left kidney had been picking up the slack for some time. That worked until sometime probably on Monday, when the left kidney became blocked. His creatinine levels shot up and by the time of his admission into ICU on Thursday evening, they were at 1300. (Normal levels are approximately 80-204).

Ultimately, he could not be stabilized and his little body could not recover. We, therefore, made the heart-rending decision to gently let him go. He was only 11 years old.

silver tabby lying on bed

His sudden decline has left us in shock. Especially his sister, Panda, who I would describe as bonded and whom he loved dearly. I would daily find them curled up somewhere sleeping. Or grooming. Or playing. Or quietly sitting experiencing the day together. He was a huge part of her life and his absence has left her disoriented and unsure.

two cats watching the snow

We are, of course, thankful to his vets Dr. Buller and Dr. Rosamund of Westbridge Veterinary Hospital in Mississauga who cared for Baxter during his life with us. And for the multitude of vets and staff in the ICU at Toronto Veterinary Emergency Hospital in Scarborough, that worked tirelessly to try and save him at the end.

Oh, Baxter…I thought we had years of adventures ahead of us. In the end, we had 9 years, 22 days, 20 hours, and 12 minutes. Every minute you were with us was precious.  We will take care of your favourite girl, Panda, and together, we will find a new rhythm. But the hole you have left cannot be filled and we will miss you and love you forever. At 1:12 p.m. on Sunday, December 5, 2021, my heart shattered into a million pieces. 

Goodbye, my boy. You were the best.

tabby sitting on red furniture

The photos of Baxter I have now are some of the most precious things I own, and really all that I have that is tangible from the incredible life he shared with us. If you too have a loved pet that you want beautiful portraits of, a Heritage Session may be for you.


Celebrating the life, love and legacy of your pet. ™

  • High-priority sessions are reserved for pets that become ill or are simply elderly. We make every effort to schedule these on short notice and work within their restrictions.
  • An opportunity to take time out of your busy schedule to spend some quality time together, celebrate the life you have shared and create images you will treasure forever.
  • Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed for a small additional fee.
  • More information can be found here.
Home Photography Studio Session with Helvetica | Cat Photographer

Home Photography Studio Session with Helvetica | Cat Photographer

Helvetica. If you have ever used a software program, you have heard of the font Helvetica. It has been described as ‘the little black dress of typefaces‘ for its versatility and seemingly unending uses for a wide range of projects.

In the world of Posh Pets® Photography, Helvetica is a well-loved feline. (It probably comes as no surprise that kitty’s mum is a graphic designer.) Mum wanted gorgeous photos of Helvetica in her prime as well as some beautiful portraits of her with her family. There was really only one issue: Helvie, as she is affectionately called, does not enjoy travelling. So, mum asked me to bring a studio photography session to their home. I was happy to do so and it is an extra service I offer for those special clients that have no need for little black dresses because they are not planning on going anywhere.

So, we made plans. The photo session was to capture a couple of portraits of Helvetica alone and then a few with mum and dad. We discussed where the artwork would be displayed in their home, their interior colour scheme, and with that information, decided upon a pink/grey theme for the photographs.

When I arrived, Helvetica spent some time watching me set up. Lighting tests were completed and we got down to the business of photographing this gorgeous cat.

Helvetica’s portraits

This was one of the first images we got of Helvetica looking regal. It can take some time for a feline to settle into a position that is comfortable for them and that is worthy of photographing, but Helvie gave us her best.

grey and white tabby on pink photography studio

By the time a cat is willing to lie down on their side, you know you have been bestowed with one of the greatest honours an animal can grant you – trust. By this point, Helvie was starting to think that the modeling gig was paying off as she was rewarded with copious amounts of praise, treats and pets.

(And, I will always think of this image’s title as paint me like one of your french girls.)

tabby cat laying down to be photographed

We also created a few sweet family portraits of Helvetica with her mum and dad, but we are keeping those under wraps. 🙂

Since I delivered the final images, I have been told that grandma and grandpa were thrilled, and everyone that has seen the photos has ooo’d and ahhh’d. As a result, we might even be meeting a couple of the other felines in the extended family for their own sessions! Best of all, Helvie’s family has beautiful prints that are going to be proudly displayed in their home.


Helvie, thank you so much for inviting us into your home and letting us photograph you and your family. It was a such an honour to meet you!

Interested in a Posh Pets Studio™ Session for your puppy or kitten? Find the details on how you can book, below.


Classic studio portraiture

    • Studio portraits with a twist...we come to YOU! These sessions mean we are bringing the backdrop, the lights and all of the equipment necessary to set up a  photo studio in your home. Of course, if you prefer, you are welcome to come to our studio.
    • The result of this series is classic artwork with a timeless aesthetic that you will be proud to display on your walls.
    • Ideal for puppies, smaller breeds, cats or pets who are not comfortable travelling or spending time in the great outdoors.
    • Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed at a cost of $50 per subject.
    • Examples of portraits from Posh Pets Studio™ Sessions can be found here.
The Bone & Biscuit Co. Third Anniversary | October 2, 2021

The Bone & Biscuit Co. Third Anniversary | October 2, 2021

We were back for a 3rd glorious year to celebrate the anniversary of Vaughn’s Bone & Biscuit Location. Every year this celebration gets better and better!

Pet-Friendly Photo Booth

Once again, we did a dog photo booth, but we decided to warm it up a bit with a beautiful golden colour to remind us that Fall is the most beautiful time of year. It has had been a hard year for everyone and Anubha wanted to show her appreciation to all her customers who have remained loyal and supportive through the pandemic.

So much had changed in a year, and we were now confronted with handling an event with safety protocols. With lots of cooperation, graciousness and patience on the part of everyone, the event was a success!

It was such a beautiful day and we met lots and lots of pups. But this year was a first…we got to photograph 2 brave kitties who definitely had no trouble being surrounded by dogs.

dog headshots at photobooth in GTA

Want to see the full gallery from the dog photo booth?

As usual, pups seem to have come out ahead. See everyone’s beautiful faces by clicking through the gallery below:

Thanks so much for all of the fun – hope to see you all again next year! And in the meantime, I love following you all on Instagram.

Experiential Marketing

Small business owners, entrepreneurs, agencies and creatives directors! Experiential marketing events involving celebrities, influencers and the public are our speciality. Especially if they include dogs or cats.
3 Local Ways to Celebrate Fall With Your Dog

3 Local Ways to Celebrate Fall With Your Dog

Temps are getting cooler and that means it’s a great time to get out and about with your pup. As a dog photographer, I’m so happy to live, love and laugh with pups at all the best spots around Toronto and the GTA so I’ve put together a list of my favorite dog-friendly places below.

What’s your favourite? Email me and let me know!

1. Grab a drink on a dog-friendly patio

Toronto recently changed the by-laws so more places have the option to have dogs on their patios. And with some (finally!) cooler temps in town, it will be more comfortable to sit outside in a cozy sweater and get a drink. I love this place because of it was one of the first breweries to welcome dogs. It’s also super cool because of the name – Black Dog Brewing. If you haven’t been before, seek out Snoopy, who is the original black dog.
snoopy of black lab beer

2. Go south to an island

Okay, so not that far south. As everyone here knows, but sometimes forgets, Toronto has its own island(s) that are accessible by quick ride on a dog-friendly ferry. The fall ferry schedule still offers lots of options for coming and going from the island and when you get there, you can create the iconic photo of your pup with our wonderful skyline.
dog on Toronto Island Ferry

3. Get out of town and take a hike

Southern Ontario has so many gorgeous conservation areas to explore and Autumn is the perfect time to visit. I first visited Kelso when I tagged along with Otis and his mum to photograph them. Dogs love to hike on the trails and smell all the smells. People love it because, if you choose to hike up to the top, you have a beautiful view of the area and the Fall colours. And, if you get to the lookout in time, you can enjoy the sunset together.
girl and dog at lookout at Kelso Conservation Area

4. Take more photos

One extra little bonus tip because you know there would be something wrong if I didn’t remind you to make memories and take more photos of your dog! Put on your most stylish outfits, get outside and explore. Better yet, get photos of you with your pup in the Autumn colours, among the fall leaves. And if that sounds like the perfect day, I just might know the perfect pet photographerwink

outdoor dog photo shoot in Toronto

So, that will get you started in celebrating the most beautiful time of year! Did I leave something out? Email me and tell me which local places you love to take your dog during Fall!

A Fall/Autumn session with your pup? Yes, please! (Psst…it’s our busiest season, so make sure you plan this now.)


Where it all begins

  • Pre-session Design Consult that ensures we create images you will be thrilled with.
  • The result is gorgeous custom artwork the life your pet shares with your family.
  • A personal Ordering Consultation to ensure you select the right images from the gallery.
  • Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed for a small additional fee.
  • Examples of portraits from Posh Pets Boutique™ Sessions can be found here.
Enjoy the Toronto Summer | Preventing Heatstroke in Dogs

Enjoy the Toronto Summer | Preventing Heatstroke in Dogs

Hello Summer!!

A combination of nicer weather and a city/province that has been in lockdown for soooo long can be a potent combination – lots of people and pups ready to step outside and into the heat!

Collingwood dog in summer heat

Most of us know that it is wise to take short walks in the early morning or late evening when the sun is not so strong, to ensure that our pets have access to water and shade, and to never – never, ever – leave them in a car.

But even with all of the precautions in place, overheating can occur, and occur quickly. Do you know the signs of heatstroke and when your dog is in distress?

Petfinder shared this great graphic to get you started.


If you and your dog live for the summer…

As of June 11, 2021, we are again able to photograph your pups outside! Yay! It has been so long coming and we cannot wait to see you. We schedule sessions early morning or late evening during the summer months to take advantage of the beautiful light and the cooler temperatures. It makes for a more enjoyable experience for you and your pet. Book your session today.



Where it all begins

  • Pre-session Design Consult that ensures we create images you will be thrilled with.
  • The result is gorgeous custom artwork the life your pet shares with your family.
  • A personal Ordering Consultation to ensure you select the right images from the gallery.
  • Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed for a small additional fee.
  • Examples of portraits from Posh Pets Boutique™ Sessions can be found here.