While some dogs guardians think of themselves as owners rather than pet parents, Dog Mums and Cat Dads are an entirely different breed! You definitely have the rights to call yourself a Pet Parent if you can check off at least half of these pet-pampering traits.

1. You celebrate your dog’s Gotcha Day.
You count it among one of the best days of your life – certainly of your pets. And yes, it is celebrated with presents, and parties, and cards, of course.
2. Their health comes first.
You’ve been putting off a big expense for your house for years, but when your pet needs a dental cleaning, you pull out your credit card without hesitation.
3. You call your dog or cat grand pup or grand kitty when you discuss your pet with your parents.
And in some cases, you let them know that your pets may be the only grandchildren they’ll ever meet.
4. Your phone’s camera roll is 99.5% pics of your pup
You will delete apps to make room for more photos. You happily show the photos off to complete strangers. In fact, you’ve made new friends that way!
4. You sleep with your pet.
Notice the wording: you sleep with your pet. Not that they sleep with you. After all, you all agree that it is their bed anyway.
5. The very first thing you do when you get home from work is hug your dog!
And they greet you at the door looking for the hug.
6. You’ve given your dog several silly nicknames — and a middle name, too.
And they greet you at the door looking for the hug. Our cat does this too. And if she is not there when I return home, I go looking for her to ask her why.
7. Vacation planning always revolves around your dog or cat.
Absolutely. Plans are not finalized until you have made arrangements for their care.
8. You cook for your dog and cat.
Recipes abound with tasty treats and healthy meals for your pet. You might even spend more time cooking for them than yourself.
9. You have closet envy.
They have a wardrobe because you dress your dog (as long as your dog “approves”). If you don’t do “costumes”, your pet still probably has a weatherproof jacket, a snuggly sweater, and even cats have at least a simple bowtie or bandana for special occasions.
10. You arrange for play dates.
Whether it is meetups in the park, regular passes to daycare of a sitter/cuddler/walker that comes in regularly, you make sure that your pet has a social life.
So…are you a Dog/Cat Mum/Dad? Let me know below and tell me what I left off of the list…
Bonus #11: You have had a professional portrait session for you pet.
For your dog. For your cat. Choose a photographer whose style speaks to you and whose images you adore! If you think you want one with us, see some details, below:
Where it all begins
- Pre-session Design Consult that ensures we create images you will be thrilled with.
- The result is gorgeous custom artwork the life your pet shares with your family.
- A personal Ordering Consultation to ensure you select the right images from the gallery.
- Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed for a small additional fee.
- Examples of portraits from Posh Pets Boutique™ Sessions can be found here.