Home Photography Studio Session with Helvetica | Cat Photographer

Home Photography Studio Session with Helvetica | Cat Photographer

Helvetica. If you have ever used a software program, you have heard of the font Helvetica. It has been described as ‘the little black dress of typefaces‘ for its versatility and seemingly unending uses for a wide range of projects.

In the world of Posh Pets® Photography, Helvetica is a well-loved feline. (It probably comes as no surprise that kitty’s mum is a graphic designer.) Mum wanted gorgeous photos of Helvetica in her prime as well as some beautiful portraits of her with her family. There was really only one issue: Helvie, as she is affectionately called, does not enjoy travelling. So, mum asked me to bring a studio photography session to their home. I was happy to do so and it is an extra service I offer for those special clients that have no need for little black dresses because they are not planning on going anywhere.

So, we made plans. The photo session was to capture a couple of portraits of Helvetica alone and then a few with mum and dad. We discussed where the artwork would be displayed in their home, their interior colour scheme, and with that information, decided upon a pink/grey theme for the photographs.

When I arrived, Helvetica spent some time watching me set up. Lighting tests were completed and we got down to the business of photographing this gorgeous cat.

Helvetica’s portraits

This was one of the first images we got of Helvetica looking regal. It can take some time for a feline to settle into a position that is comfortable for them and that is worthy of photographing, but Helvie gave us her best.

grey and white tabby on pink photography studio

By the time a cat is willing to lie down on their side, you know you have been bestowed with one of the greatest honours an animal can grant you – trust. By this point, Helvie was starting to think that the modeling gig was paying off as she was rewarded with copious amounts of praise, treats and pets.

(And, I will always think of this image’s title as paint me like one of your french girls.)

tabby cat laying down to be photographed

We also created a few sweet family portraits of Helvetica with her mum and dad, but we are keeping those under wraps. 🙂

Since I delivered the final images, I have been told that grandma and grandpa were thrilled, and everyone that has seen the photos has ooo’d and ahhh’d. As a result, we might even be meeting a couple of the other felines in the extended family for their own sessions! Best of all, Helvie’s family has beautiful prints that are going to be proudly displayed in their home.


Helvie, thank you so much for inviting us into your home and letting us photograph you and your family. It was a such an honour to meet you!

Interested in a Posh Pets Studio™ Session for your puppy or kitten? Find the details on how you can book, below.


Classic studio portraiture

    • Studio portraits with a twist...we come to YOU! These sessions mean we are bringing the backdrop, the lights and all of the equipment necessary to set up a  photo studio in your home. Of course, if you prefer, you are welcome to come to our studio.
    • The result of this series is classic artwork with a timeless aesthetic that you will be proud to display on your walls.
    • Ideal for puppies, smaller breeds, cats or pets who are not comfortable travelling or spending time in the great outdoors.
    • Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed at a cost of $50 per subject.
    • Examples of portraits from Posh Pets Studio™ Sessions can be found here.
Project 52 – Favourite Toy | Pet Photographers in Toronto

Project 52 – Favourite Toy | Pet Photographers in Toronto

Play is a wonderful way to spend some time with your pet – it is part of the bonding experience and can be a great de-stresser for you as well. However, it is important to remember that each animal is an individual with differing likes and preferences. But finding out what they enjoy to do is all part of the fun.

Since welcoming Baxter into our home, we have had to make adjustments to accommodate his energy! We had forgotten what it was like to have a 2 year old around and Baxter simply loves to interact and play. We have, however, found his most favourite toy in the whole wide world. As in, please play with me all of the time. Want to know what it is? Well, enjoy this 15 second clip (turn the sound up for full effect 🙂 ) …


Yes, the classic game of chase the red dot…Baxter thinks that this is what he was born on earth to chase!

He is a smart little furry face – he has figured out that he needs us to ‘engage’ the little red light. He is lightening fast and would make an excellent hockey player (good little Canadian cat!) because he anticipates where the red light will be, as opposed to where it currently is. What he hasn’t figured out is that he will never, ever catch it.

And, of course, once all of the play is over, it is time for naps…what a life!

If you are planning for a Posh Pets‘ session and your furry face has a favourite toy, bring it! Not only will it help us keep his or her attention, but by incorporating their favourite toy in the images, their personality can shine through!

This is a blog circle, so there are many more images (and toys) to look at! Let’s start with the wonderful Charleston SC dog photographer Dana Cubbage and see what her guys’ favourite toys are!

Baxter – A Cat About Town…Comes Home | Exclusive Toronto Pet Photographer

Baxter – A Cat About Town…Comes Home | Exclusive Toronto Pet Photographer

If you have been following the Posh Pets’ Facebook page, you know that we have welcomed a new furry face into our life. Baxter is 2 years old and a beautiful grey tabby whom we adopted from Toronto Animal Services (North Region) on November 12, 2012. It has only been 2 weeks and yet I think we could not have chosen a better companion for our 15.5 year old Lady Jane.

cat gazing with head on bed
silver tabby on blue chair

For the benefit to those who do not know, Ripley (who was our 17+ years old orange tabby) passed away at the end of May. For the first four days, Lady Jane did nothing but sleep…I believe she was mourning the loss of the companion she had known all of her life. Together, the three of us slowly made adjustments to a new routine that did not involve Ripley. But for Lady Jane, this meant she no longer had a playmate or simply another feline creature to interact with. We, therefore, became her only source of companionship. Daily, she would holler at us to come to sit on the bed with her and would have been thrilled if we could simply nap there for hours. Of course, as much as I would have liked to some days, that simply was not practical and we came to realize that Lady Jane needed a friend.

When we discussed the possibility, my husband had two requirements: he wanted a male cat (he thought Lady Jane would accept a male more easily than a female) and he wanted him to be cuddly so that he could pick him up (as he had done with Ripley). I wanted a cat whose personality would mesh with Lady Jane’s, for I refused to put her in the position of being uncomfortable in her own home. We both agreed that whoever he was, he would be adopted from a shelter.

Fortunately, I volunteer once a week at the Toronto Animal Services and therefore see my share of kitties all looking for forever homes. But, I would return week after week with no one special having caught my eye. That was until I met Baxter (who had been given the name Horatio upon arrival at the shelter).

Baxter was in the “bubble” at the shelter which meant he interacted well with other cats. Unfortunately, his bubble mates were both females and one, in particular, was a bit of diva – she would walk up to Baxter and swat at him. So, he spent a lot of his time hiding the walls of the shelter (there is a little space just big enough for a cat to squeeze through – the timid ones will find their way in there). He also sneezed. A lot. But, when I or any other person came into the room, he would eventually come out from his hiding spot and greet them. So, he passed the first test: he was male. And the second question was answered when I picked him up and he nuzzled my neck. However, as you can imagine it is not easy to tell the personality of a cat by spending a few minutes with him, especially as Baxter seemed to have a rather difficult relationship with the females he shared the bubble with. But, I did notice that he simply retreated as opposed to becoming aggressive – I never saw a swat, heard a hiss or any other such things – and it was enough to get me thinking…perhaps he would be the one.

I returned home and told my husband about him and showed him the pictures I had taken. He agreed that he was a beautiful cat and when I told him that he liked to cuddle, we made arrangements to return that evening.

It didn’t take long. Dean picked Baxter up and cuddled him. Baxter sneezed. And I talked to him about what type of home he might come home to. Within 10 minutes, my husband said, “let’s take him home”.

beautiful eyes on a silver tabby

Many have asked how Lady Jane has adjusted to the new “man” in her life. Well, Baxter has won her over. The first evening when he arrived, he was greeted with curiosity and then low throated growls as Lady Jane told him that he was not welcome. But, he held his own for Baxter was not afraid. He simply lay down calmly at a nice distance away and ever so slowly closed his eyes. If you know anything about cat communication, that was a signal that he was not about to become an alpha cat and he was really no threat. He would yawn, turn his head away, and even showed his belly…all in an effort to make friends.

By the third day, Lady Jane was no longer growling when she saw him and Baxter and her could sleep together on our bed. I suppose that is why Baxter thought he should take their relationship to the next step – he walked up to her, sniffed her, and then kissed her! Well, he got a growl and a hiss for that (and rightly so for being so forward, so early in the relationship)!

cat relaxing on a red couch

Two weeks later, Baxter is a new man. He no longer sneezes (we think it was simply the dust from the walls) and he got a clean bill of health from our vet! Everyone who meets him wants to take him home with them and it is amazing to us how different he is from the cat we met at the shelter. The Baxter we know is full of energy and loves to play and run and jump and is not at all bothered by the fact that he still gets the odd “warning” from Lady Jane when he takes the play too far. He simply wants to be friends with all he meets – human or feline – and has a lovely personality to do so. He’s even gorgeous when he sleeps and has an innate sense to turn his head to the light to be photographed 🙂

cat sleeping on the bed

We love our boy – and love seems to be the only thing that Baxter wants. Given that Lady Jane is approximately 85 years old and Baxter is 24 years old in human years, we are so happy that things have gone so well. Lady Jane is his girl and he follows her everywhere, even waiting patiently outside the litter box while she does her business. (I’ve told him he has to learn to give her a little privacy.) As my mother says,”if at Lady Jane’s age you can get a 24 year old to be that into you without the help of surgery…well, kudos to her!”

Yes, Baxter has come home. And, it is forever.

close up of tabby cat nose
Project 52 – Motivation | Toronto Photographer

Project 52 – Motivation | Toronto Photographer

This week we were given the task of showing motivation. Specifically, the instructions were “…whatever (it) means to you…have fun with it!” If you spend enough time with animals, you will quickly realize that they can communicate all kinds of things just by a look – the desire to play, the necessity of treats, the guilt of “your leaving me…again.” Given that our cat, Lady Jane, has any number of these looks, I spent some time brainstorming what I could do for this week’s image. I turned around to see where Lady Jane was (since Ripley’s passing, she spends many hours laying under my office chair and I have to always check before I move it lest I roll over her precious paws) and this is what I saw. Possibly the most un-motivated pose ever. The irony of the moment made me laugh out loud (and grab my iPhone for a quick picture)!

The truth is though, Lady Jane is definitely one of my motivators for my business and my life. She is truly a cuddly cat who began life in a shelter, but now loves to be with us. She is also already 15.5 years old and, as much as I hate to think about it, she will not live forever. We lost Ripley earlier this year and the time will come when I will no longer have a furry grey Lady Jane sleeping on the bed beside me. What I do have are the glorious pictures of the two of them that I have taken during the years – memories captured forever. That is why I am a pet photographer. And why I volunteer each week to help shelter animals.

So, please enjoy this week’s image of Lady Jane who is my picture of motivation.

PS: After this picture and my laugh, I was truly motivated to crawl back into bed and take a nap…so you see motivation can mean just so many things!

Next in our blog circle is talented Quad-Cities Pet Photographer, Mary Beth Arnold. Let’s see where she and the rest of the blog circle got their motivation from this week!