Chester & Abbey | Part I of A Wonderful Dog and Cat Photography Session in the Park!

Chester & Abbey | Part I of A Wonderful Dog and Cat Photography Session in the Park!

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of meeting the wonderful Chester and Abbey, a beautiful Sheltie and lovely orange tabby cat. Both are currently 8 years old and share their lives with the human members of their family, who quite obviously love them dearly. They also get along with each other famously!

We started their custom photography session in their backyard to capture some of the environment where they spent a lot of their time. But then we moved to a lovely park in Port Credit to take advantage of the beautiful late afternoon light. Chester was a true gentleman, posing as if he were born to it. And he even got to run around a bit. I heard from his mum that he certainly slept well that night!

Chester, you are a delight to spend time with! I love the fringes around your ears and your lovely soft expressions. Your spirit is golden and your’smile’ lights up a room…never change. Thank you so much for allowing us the honour of photographing you!

Here are a few Posh Pets’ favourites of Chester from that afternoon.

PS: We’ll showcase Abbey next time!


Ripley | Toronto Pet Photographer

Ripley | Toronto Pet Photographer

I really cannot believe that the day has arrived when I have to write this. And if I press “publish”, it will somehow be more final. It hurts too much, so I will try to say it quickly and simply.

Today, at 8:59 a.m., we sent Ripley, our 17.5 year old tabby on his final journey. With as much love as he could bear.

I, personally, have never had the weight of such a decision on my shoulders and I am not sure that either my husband, Dean, or I handled it well. In other words, we were (and are) a mess.

We had no idea that Ripley was even sick until we took him to his vet this past Wednesday morning. What we had erroneously thought to be a little bit of constipation or issues with his anal glands, turned out to be far more serious. In fact, that was not an issue at all. After x-rays and an ultrasound, we were shown that most of his organs were in some state of failure. And his poor, little heart was really only in a constant state of fibrillation, and therefore not pumping vital blood and oxygen to the other parts of his body. Add to that, he had a very serious arrhythmia which put his whole system under additional stress. Hearing this, we decided not to contemplate any heroic measures, but to simply treasure whatever remaining time we had with him. So, at our request, his vet was able to stabilize him enough that we could take him home with us Thursday evening, along with some medication to make him comfortable.

Ripley seemed to be happy to be home Thursday night, but by Friday we knew something was horribly wrong. He could not sleep. He never did eat since returning from the hospital and he shifted his position often as if he was uncomfortable. We watched him and stroked him and cried over him until we knew that we had to make the final gesture to help him.

This morning, Ripley woke me up by pawing gently at my leg. I tried one last time to feed him, which he refused. So, Dean and I began the process of getting ready to take him on his final car ride. I truly believe that Ripley knew the time had come. He seemed to go through a routine to look at all of his favourite places. But when he stopped to nuzzle and kiss his sister, Lady Jane, it made our hearts stop. They had a quiet “moment” when I think he said his good-bye.

At the vet this morning, we held him and told him what an incredible boy he had been. He was from the Toronto Humane Society so, yes, Ripley was a rescue. He was a year old when we got him and were privileged to have loved him for over 16 years. And, even though his physical heart failed him in the end, he loved us until his final breath.

I do not quite know how I will get over the loss of feeling him sleeping on my feet every night of his life, or the way he would truly cuddle you when picked up. I have many, many photographs that will remind me of what he looked like, but I fear that I will forget the sound of his “voice” when he would talk. And his beautiful eyes…everyone remarked on his his lovely eyes. At this point, I am simply hoping that the huge hole left in my heart will slowly heal.

Ripley, I cannot write enough words to tell you how much you are missed. Not a day will go by when we will not think of you and remember how incredibly wonderful you were. I hope, in the end, you simply understood and felt how much you were loved. 

Go gently into that good night, my boy…

A special thank-you to the vets and staff of Westbridge Veterinary Hospital in Mississauga, Ontario. And especially to Dr. Cathy Buller who has been Ripley’s primary vet since the day we brought him home. Having you there at the end, made it just a bit easier.

Orange tabby on bed in Toronto, Canada
Adoptables – Toronto Animal Services | Toronto Pet Photography

Adoptables – Toronto Animal Services | Toronto Pet Photography

Happy Monday! And…I just realized that I did not post these from last week – the adoptables available at Toronto Animal Services (North Region)!  For those who do not know, Posh Pets heads to the shelter each week and photographs the lovely furry faces awaiting their forever homes. It is truly wonderful to return the next week and find out who has found their new families!

We are heading off again this morning, so there will be a whole new group to look at later! See you then!

Project 52 – From the Ground Up | Pet Photography Toronto

Project 52 – From the Ground Up | Pet Photography Toronto

Our Project 52 challenge this week was entitled “from the ground up”. In other words, try a new perspective and angle by photographing animals from the ground and aiming your lens UP at them. It sounded like fun, until you realize that I have two cats. Two senior cats who spend their days sleeping and lounging with the occasional water and food snack. Ever tried to get under a cat and photograph them? When they are laying down? Well, that is what Ripley and Lady Jane had to contend with this week and I probably need some kind of chiropractic assistance after all of the positions I contorted my body into!

This first image is Ripley looking down on me from the bed. I knew the image I wanted – just his little face with lots of negative space. The lens flare was just a bonus!

And then there is Lady Jane who lazes around all day. Literally. I’ve watched her for the past week like a hawk trying to see her in some kind of action and she really just has a chill, zen feeling about her. So, this is her shot. I am on the ground. My camera is on the ground. But then, so is Lady Jane…

Now, please take a look at what California Pet Photographer, Karla Ogilvie as she looked UP this week!

Adoptables – Toronto Animal Services | Pet Photographer Toronto

Adoptables – Toronto Animal Services | Pet Photographer Toronto

Here are the lovely adoptables we photographed this week! If you would like to inquire about any individual pet, please contact Toronto Animal Services – North Region and they will be happy to answer your questions. Also, be sure to visit the Posh Pets Facebook page, where you can gather a little more information, including ID numbers, so you can be sure who you are interested in. Thanks to all who share their pictures!

Here come the cats…! | Toronto Pet Photographer

Here come the cats…! | Toronto Pet Photographer

I am very excited to write Part Two of the crazy cartoon spotlight as this time we are featuring the felines! If you want to see the Part One about the doggies on the Posh Pets blog, please check out this link.

A bit of background…my friend and fellow creative, Daniela Easter, teaches students how to cartoon. It really does sound like a lot of fun! In February, Daniela had asked me for some of my kitty images so that her students would be able to have a base to work off of. I wish I had a group of student drawings to showcase, but unfortunately, it was graduation day and there was no time to scan the artwork before the students took them home. Sigh. But, I thought you might find it cool to see what the teacher is able to produce. So, here is Daniela’s work.

Here is the original image:

And Daniela’s cartoon:

Another original image:

And the cartoon version:

Again, if you have a young artist who would want to participate, Daniela conducts various classes in Brampton. These include 6 week curriculums and intensives for the March and Summer school breaks. Find all of the details about the art school – Progressive Art for Progressive Kids – here.

Project 52 – Grace | Pet Photography Forest Hill

Project 52 – Grace | Pet Photography Forest Hill

This week’s theme was to illustrate “grace” through an image. Now, my Lady Jane is anything but graceful, but she does have one habit she has picked up in the last year that nudges her in the right direction. When she is at rest, she crosses her paws. I do not know why she suddenly started doing this, but it does make her very cute. And,it is far more graceful a pose than the “one-back-leg in-the-air-so-I-can-lick-my-bum” position she is fond of demonstrating.

With that, this week’s image is one of those lovely little crossed paws.

The other image I wanted to share on this theme is of little Winston. As Posh Pets blog readers know, I volunteer my time to take images of the animals that are available for adoption each week at the Toronto animal shelter. Through that experience, I meet all kinds of animals – some are goofy, some are sad and some, like little Winston pictured here, have such poise of spirit (I would say “grace” in their manners) that you immediately want to take them home. Just take a look at the seriousness on his little face along with his charming pose! I am hoping that images like these will impress on people that shelter animals are not “damaged” pets. They are loveable little furry souls who could warm your heart and home. May everyone consider adopting the next time they are looking for a four-legged family member…

Well that is it for another week of Project 52 for Posh Pets! But, YOU are not done yet…please now check out the talented Dana Cubbage from Charleston, South Carolina. I can’t wait to see who “graced” her blog this week! And be sure to click through to see all the wonderful imagery from the rest of the Project 52 members.

Project 52 – Story | Toronto Dog Photographer

Project 52 – Story | Toronto Dog Photographer

This week’s challenge was to keep the words to a minimum and tell a story through an image(s). Photojournalists have mastered the art of letting an image speak for itself, and there exist iconic images that changed the course of world events. Now, I don’t think for one moment that that is the level of storytelling presented here, but I think you will enjoy this funny little series nonetheless.

The Wolf Within Sleeps (The Cost of Domestication)

I am Dog. Master of my own domain. At one with the Great Outdoors.

Though once my fun is done, I like nothing better than to be warm and dry inside.

But, do not fear! I am not conquered! I have learned the power of “puppy dog eyes”. How it makes humans bend to my will.



The next in the blog roll is Tiffany Haulton of Haulton Photography. Please check out what story she has to tell this week! And then click all around the blog roll until you wind up back here. You won’t be disappointed!



Happy Anniversary Ripley! | Ontario Pet Photographer

Happy Anniversary Ripley! | Ontario Pet Photographer

Today, is a special day in our house for it marks the moment, 16 years ago, when Ripley came into our lives. Originally from the Toronto Humane Society, the “Ripley Years” have just flown by. However, in other ways, it seems like forever for we cannot remember life before his arrival. The day he popped his little head out of his carrier, made himself comfortable on our bed, and took up residence in our hearts.

So, happy adoption day to our big orange tabby. May there be many more years of relaxing on our bed to come…