Jun 2, 2016
Why adopt a shelter cat? We’d love to tell you! June has been declared Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat-Month and we at Posh Pets are huge kitty lovers. Our resident cats, Baxter and Panda both came from Toronto Animal Services and they are absolutely wonderful! Baxter has been with us for three years and Panda for two and we cannot possibly imagine life without them. Every night I’m reminded, as my legs are pinned together in one place because they sleep on opposite sides, that a purr in the house makes it a home.

So obviously, we are big supporters of adoption. Maybe you’re thinking about it, but maybe you’ve heard stories. So, here are five reasons to consider a shelter cat:
1. There’s a cat personality that’s just right for everyone.
I find it is a huge myth that all cats are aloof and shun human interaction. Baxter and Panda are proof-positive. I often call them my ‘puppy-cats’ because they greet us when we come home, respond to their names, love to be petted, brushed and will often cuddle up on my lap when I am working. There’s no doubt that my husband and I have created an environment where that type of behaviour flourishes, but the fact is, they were very sociable while still in the shelter. And it showed. That’s probably one of the great things of visiting a shelter to choose a kitty – there are many different breeds and personalities to choose from all in one place. Add to that, the staff usually have a good idea of the personalities, and can help you choose the perfect cat for you and your lifestyle.

2. You’re saving a life.
Many shelters are overrun with cats looking for homes. It’s a harsh world for a cat or a kitten on the streets. Fifty percent of feral cats die within their first year and are considered ‘lucky’ if they make it past 2 years of age. Whereas, a well-cared for indoor kitty has an average lifespan of 15 years! Adopting a cat not only gives them a great life, but also saves the life of the one who now has a ‘spot’ at the shelter. That second cat now has their own chance at a forever home which, when they find it, leaves a spot for one more. Believe me, hearing the thankful, content purr of a feline friend that you share your home with, is simply amazing.

3. Shelter and rescue cats are a good financial decision.
If you have weighed the benefits and costs of cat ownership, then getting your furry feline from a rescue or shelter makes sense. When you adopt an animal from a shelter, you are receiving the benefits of all of the work has been done before. They have had a health check, received necessary vaccines, are often spayed or neutered and have passed a behavioural assessment. They are also often sent home with a ‘starter kit’ consisting of lots of information, food, some health insurance. Plus, your adoption fee is a donation towards the medical needs of yet other animals in the rescue’s care. It all makes perfect cents!

4. There are health benefits to owning a cat
Having a pet has shown to minimize our health risks. Everything from lowering the risk of stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease and heart attacks. Much has even been written on the health benefits of a cat’s purr – it’s certainly calming to listen to a happy kitty purring by your side. So, you’re saving a life and they, in turn, are lengthening yours.

5. It’s a great way to support a great cause.
Rescues and shelter are doing great work helping cats live better lives. Your adoption sets a great example for those who believe that a shelter cat is somehow damaged or unhealthy. You’re helping get the word out that they are indeed loveable pets and can give so much back in return. If you are unable to adopt at this time, you can consider making a donation to a shelter or rescue that you believe in. As they say:

Adopt. If you can’t adopt, foster. If you can’t foster, volunteer. If you can’t volunteer, donate. If you can’t donate, educate.
If you are looking to adopt a shelter cat because you want the companionship of a great cat or kitten, there are many shelter and rescue organizations within the GTA. Here are some of them:
Toronto Animal Services
Toronto Humane Society
Annex Cat Rescue
Toronto Cat Rescue
Team Cat Rescue
Apr 6, 2016
We know that Toronto is a great city of pet lovers. There is no doubt that we have lots of Posh Pups, but did you know that there are more than 25,000 licensed cats in our fair City? That is a whole lot of cat lovers! So, it only makes sense that the national launch of the 2016 CFHS Just for Cats Video Festival happens right here in Toronto. And, it all takes place on Thursday, April 14, 2016.
According the press release for the event, “The CFHS Just for Cats Video Festival was created in 2014 as a national initiative to increase the welfare of Canada’s Cats and enhance the human-cat bond. It is the only series of national festivals exclusively dedicated to cats and their welfare and is set to take place in 16+ locations across Canada in 2016. Since its inception, the Just for Cats Video Festival has raised $210,000 for cat welfare in Canada.”
So, if you love your cat and spend your days watching cute cat videos on the internet, then you should mark April 14, 2016 as a date with lots of other like-minded people in the City. And, just in case you didn’t think it could get any better…

Photo courtesy of www.lilbub.com
Lil BUB will make her first-ever Canadian appearance in Toronto!
VIP headliner this year is none other than Lil BUB who is travelling (with her Dude, Mike Bridavsky) all the way from Indiana to Toronto for her first-ever Canadian appearance to help raise money for shelter animals in Canada. This little lady is one remarkable kitty. She has raised over $400,000 for shelter and rescue animals and has 1.2 million completely smitten followers on Instagram who know it.
Her story is one that needs to be told. Born to a feral mother in rural Indiana, she was diagnosed with dwarfism, which gives her the appearance of being a ‘perma-kitty’. Her lower jaw is smaller than her upper jaw and she has no teeth. She was then diagnosed with the only case of Osteopetrosis in a cat, an extremely rare bone condition. But, she has overcome all of that to be able to tell her story, author two books, star in her own talk show and TV special, participate in ground-breaking genetic research, become a recording artist, and…help her fellow felines!

Photo courtesy of www.lilbub.com
Got Questions? Tell me!
It seems that Lil BUB is pretty excited to be visiting Canada for the first time. The press release quotes her human companion, Mike, as saying,
“BUB and I have been wanting to make a trip to Canada for many years now, and this will be her first international appearance. We are thrilled to finally be able to meet BUB’s Canadian fans, help raise funds to help as many Canadian cats as possible, and of course to watch brilliant cat videos on the big screen.”
I will have the opportunity to meet and interview Lil BUB herself (well, I do expect Mike to do most of the talking). Any burning questions you would want to know the answer to? Leave your questions in the comments below and I’ll do my best to get those answered.
So….do you want a chance to screen some awesome cat videos, meet Lil BUB, take a selfie, and receive some great swag? Then get over here to purchase your VIP Tickets for the main event. There are only 100 tickets available and when they are gone, they are gone! See you all there!
Jan 1, 2016
Two thousand and sixteen. Can you believe it? A new year, a new beginning and a few new things at Posh Pets® Photography. We have some exciting opportunities to announce and hope that you will be as thrilled with them as I am!
In the past, I have had requests for studio photography. Usually there is a special reason for it, and so I designed a custom option for those clients. The response has been so great, that I have decided to formally offer it to everyone. It is called the Posh Pets Studio™ Session and it’s classic, studio photography, with a twist – the studio comes to you! That’s right, you can have professional studio photography created right in your own home.
So, who this for? Well, for anyone that loves the look of clean, timeless, uncluttered backgrounds that makes your pet the focal point. It’s great for indoor cats who feel most comfortable in their home as well as very young puppies who cannot go outside. But, it is also a beautiful look for larger breeds too. And, for seniors who may have mobility issues. In other words, if you love the look of studio photography, then the Posh Pets Studio™ Session is for you!
How does the session work? We need about 10’x10′ space – many use their living/family room and move a bit of furniture around – for the lights and backdrop as well as space for me and my assistant. The session itself ranges from 60 to 90 minutes long, but we work at the pace of your pet who may need to become accustomed to a background and studio lights. We also need time on either side for set up and take down. So, I would encourage you to schedule about 3 hours from start to finish.
How many pets can you photograph in one session? Your session fee covers two pets. Any additional pets can be added for an additional $50 per pet. We will work on getting single portraits of each pet first and then, if you desire, any group photos. Adding additional furry faces involves a little extra session time too.
This sounds awesome! How can I find out more? It’s very easy! Your first step is to contact me, below.
Classic studio portraiture
- Studio portraits with a twist…we come to YOU! These sessions mean we are bringing the backdrop, the lights and all of the equipment necessary to set up a photo studio in your home. Of course, if you prefer, you are welcome to come to our studio.
- The result of this series is classic artwork with a timeless aesthetic that you will be proud to display on your walls.
- Ideal for puppies, smaller breeds, cats or pets who are not comfortable travelling or spending time in the great outdoors.
- Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed at a cost of $50 per subject.
- Examples of portraits from Posh Pets Studio™ Sessions can be found here.
Nov 12, 2015
Three years. Three years of a warm, dry, safe place to sleep at night. A full belly. An older sister you comforted and cared for. A little sister you adore. Conversations. Head bumps. Snuggles. Naps in a sunbeam. And lots of love from your two humans.
Happy Gotcha day Baxter! A celebration of the day you left the shelter behind and entered the Posh Pets family. Truly, our world is so much better with you in it.

Jun 9, 2015
If you have been wondering why things have been a little quiet around Posh Pets lately, it is because I have been travelling in Eastern Europe! Bulgaria, to be exact. Now, it might seem a little off the beaten path, but the country is surprising accessible by major airlines. It also boasts membership in the European Union, but has not adopted the Euro, so travel is fairly safe, easy and inexpensive.
Our first stop was in the south, almost at the Greek border. We took a drive up to Kovachevitsa in the Pirin Mountains which was a breathtaking route.

The tiny village of Kovachevitsa is a place where time seems to have stood still. So much so, that I am told that the village is used as a backdrop for movies when they need a authentic balkan experience.

Tons of tiny streets and alleyways to explore…

But, you know my first love are the animals and I had the pleasure of meeting lots! Almost immediately, this sweetheart greeted us.

And not far off was this little one, peeking at me from under a car.

This beautiful boy commanded my attention! He thought I was quite a curiosity with my camera and strange noises. And when he had figured me out, he walked off gracefully…

A friendly little kitty followed us around while we explored the winding paths and ‘streets’ of the village.

However, this beautiful, BIG boy was the most outgoing of them all. He really was quite large – he easily matched me in weight and size. And he was a ‘leaner’ too. If you reached down to pat him, he nearly pushed you over with his big furry self. Just wanted to lovins’.

This is ‘his’ tavern (the translation of the word MEXAHA) and I could believe it when he was willing to pose beside the sign.
Sometimes, though, you have to look down and see the wee ones of the world. This tiny snail actually lifted his head and struck a pose for my camera – I guess he thought this was his moment of fame!

There’s much more to show and tell from our trip! I’ll keep sharing as I manage to process some of the photographs (I’m writing this post from an airport right now), so stay tuned…
Feb 9, 2015
It’s Monday. It’s cold. It’s February. Even though Toronto was recently named one of the best cities to live in the world, it can be tough to feel the love when you are faced with a day like today. Well, here is your little pick-me-up to start your week off right…
Here at Posh Pets we photograph animals of all breeds, shapes and sizes. And, we love them all! But there is something completely adorable in a brand-new tiny kitten. Their little mews and the way they go about exploring the big, wide world – it is the stuff that warm, happy thoughts are made of. I had the pleasure of photographing this little ball of orange fluff recently and, as you can imagine, thoroughly enjoyed myself while doing so. With the softest fur and beautiful, blue eyes, Milo is a stunner. He also knows how to work the camera and how to crawl his way into your heart. While I love creating gorgeous portraits, I would be lying if I didn’t admit to totally looking forward to the snuggles I get between images.
Now, look at Milo’s sweet face and tell me that you aren’t smiling. And suddenly the day doesn’t seem so bad…all thanks to Milo!

Oct 17, 2014
Fall is always the busiest season at Posh Pets. I love the change of the colours, the crisp autumn air and the lovely furry faces I get to meet (and their humans, of course). But, I still make time for all of the little adoptables at Toronto Animal Services. After all, Fall is also a great time to find a forever home!
So, here is this week’s group of eager boys and girls all waiting to meet you. Contact the North Shelter to get more details and arrange a meeting. And even if you are not currently looking for a new family member, make sure to show these guys some love by sharing their lovely little faces…I am sure that there is a ‘somebody’ out there for each and every one of them!

Oct 16, 2014
At Posh Pets, we see our share of unforgettable four-footed clients. Today, I would like to introduce you to Simon, a furry face who will stay with me a long time.

Simon is a cat. A lovely, big, brown tabby cat to be precise. With gorgeous eyes that you could look at forever. Simon loves his people and enjoys playing with them. He is mischievous. He loves his treats and the opportunity to jump and run around the house. (If you can combine all of those things together, he is one happy cat. Actually, combine anything with treats and he is content.)
Simon, however, has also battled cancer.
It was June when I got a call from Simon’s human Mom asking if I had any availability on short notice. She wanted me to come to their house and take some portraits of her beautiful boy. Simon had recently been diagnosed with ocular cancer and the decision had been made to remove one of his gorgeous eyes – a very difficult decision for the family, but one that was made with the realization that it would save Simon’s life. The surgery date had been set which is why time was now of the essence. His Mom wanted images to forever preserve the memory of him in his prime.
I moved a few appointments around and headed over to meet Simon and his honest-to-goodness, real kitty mom, Jackie. If Simon knew he had cancer, he was not about to let me know about it. We spent a lovely afternoon playing, running, hunting, jumping and yes, getting treats in order to capture his good looks and beautiful personality. And, his Mom and I talked about his life. We laughed. We cried. We hugged. When it came time to finally say good-bye, I held Simon close and told him to be a good, brave boy and return home even stronger. Simon let me give him that snuggle and then went off to play.
I waited for news of his surgery…which was an awesome success! Although the first night of his recovery was difficult, it has all been positive news since then. In fact, it would now appear though that the loss of his eye was something far worse for his people to contemplate than the reality Simon lives. During the Ordering Session, Simon was already up and about, curiously interested in what we were doing. And by the time I delivered his final art prints, he demonstrated for me his ability to stalk, chase and yes, jump much like he did before. Simon may have lost an eye, but he certainly has not lost himself.
Today, Simon’s larger-than-life art work sits above the mantle in his home. His folio box and matted art prints are loved and cherished by the family. And dear, happy, healthy Simon seems content with it all.

Sep 10, 2014
Every week, I meet a new group of furry faces looking for homes. I often wonder: how did these little loves end up in a shelter? Abandoned, unwanted, with no place to go. And yet, they have such a forgiving spirit and are usually more than happy to meet me, thankful for the few moments of pets, cuddles and belly rubs. (If you want some free ‘therapy’ when you’re having a blue day, volunteer at a shelter and you could spend an hour doling about belly rubs.)
If you want to visit the following group in particular, please contact TAS – North directly. They’ll be able to give you all of the details!
This week is no exception. These first two are a bonded pair, Molly and Riley. It is always a little more challenging to photograph a pair of dogs, but I think these two did just fine!

For those of you who aren’t sure if there are any puppies in the shelter system, here’s proof that the cute and little are available. This is Bane and, by the time you read this, he is probably already adopted 🙂

And then we have our lovely feline furry faces. This trio are all in the cat pod which means they get along with other kitties and are lovely, cuddly ones. Puchi, Buck and Gerard are all waiting to meet you and purr their way into your heart.

Aug 28, 2014
It would appear that this is the week that Summer decided to make its appearance in the land of Posh Pets (Toronto). Up until now, we have had an unseasonably cool summer. But not this week – lots of temperatures in the 30s with humidex levels in the 40s. I think it took some of us by surprise. It’s also a good time to remind everyone – leaving a dog or any pet in a locked car for even ‘a few minutes’ can be deadly. Try waiting for a friend in your car without the doors open or the air-conditioning blowing and you’ll see what I mean. Keep those precious furry faces safe! We did however, have a chance to have the dogs outside at TAS (in the shade) and take some lovely portraits. And the kitties make an appearance this week too – camp is over and we have use of the Cat Pod back where the cats roam and interact with each other. So nice to see you guys again! These guys and girls are all available from Toronto Animal Services – North. If you would like to meet one of them, give TAS a call and they will set up a meet-and-greet for the both of you. Enjoy your last week of summer! 

Aug 4, 2014
I love my weekly visits to Toronto Animal Services! The kid’s camp is still in full swing so it is nice to see all the adorable furry faces get their fill of walks, play, love and cuddles from eager campers. They also seem to get a good amount of treats and rewards as they learn new tricks and commands. And I have some very willing assistants to help me with handling the dogs as we get gorgeous adoption images of their charges.
All of these furry faces are available for adoption. You can find out their current status by contacting TAS – North directly. I will, of course, feature their little faces on the Posh Pets Facebook page and you can help by sharing their images around…it is amazing how many proud pet parents found their fur-baby via an image that was shared on social media! If that is you, feel free to contact Posh Pets Photography and let us know – it is sooo nice to hear the details of the happy endings!
Thanks to all the fans of this blog for following along! We’ll see you all next week!

Jun 16, 2014
I’m a little behind adding to the Posh Pets blog, but I just had to share these little furry faces. There are so many lovely adoptables available (or soon to be available) at Toronto Animal Services. If you are thinking of adding a furry member to your family, this is the place to be!
Each week I get to meet all these cuties…big ones, small ones…I wish I could take them all home! I am so happy to say that when I share their faces on the Posh Pets Facebook page, everyone is so supportive in helping them find homes by sharing their images. Me and the dogs and cats wants to say thank you all so much!
If you want to meet any of these adoptables in person, please contact Toronto Animal Services – North Region directly. The staff there are great and will be happy to answer your questions and arrange a meet-and-greet for you and your family. Of course, if you do end up adopting someone, please feel free to send us a quick e-mail and/or pictures with an update of how everyone is doing. It is always such a joy when we get to share happy endings!
See you next week!