Mar 2, 2012
This week’s challenge was to keep the words to a minimum and tell a story through an image(s). Photojournalists have mastered the art of letting an image speak for itself, and there exist iconic images that changed the course of world events. Now, I don’t think for one moment that that is the level of storytelling presented here, but I think you will enjoy this funny little series nonetheless.
The Wolf Within Sleeps (The Cost of Domestication)
I am Dog. Master of my own domain. At one with the Great Outdoors.
Though once my fun is done, I like nothing better than to be warm and dry inside.
But, do not fear! I am not conquered! I have learned the power of “puppy dog eyes”. How it makes humans bend to my will.
The next in the blog roll is Tiffany Haulton of Haulton Photography. Please check out what story she has to tell this week! And then click all around the blog roll until you wind up back here. You won’t be disappointed!
Dec 23, 2011
It is hard to believe that we have almost reached the end of Project 52 for 2011, but here we are! Given the balmy weather we are enjoying today, no one would think that this is the end of December. But I, for one, will not complain about the lack of icy conditions and awful commutes. I am sure they are coming.
For this week, we were given the theme “silhouette” and the Posh Pets studio decided to do some still life imagery which I actually love. This beautiful guy hails from South Africa and was a gift from a dear friend of mine who had the opportunity to travel there at the beginning of the year. Usually he sits on my dresser where, interestingly, he has never been thrown onto the floor by one of our acrobatic cats. (Not that they ever admit to moving anything.) I guess he has a quiet resolve about him that even they know it would be wrong to mistreat him so horribly. And so, he stands and carefully watches over the comings and goings that is our life.
Today, however, he was the star of his own photo session and provided a striking silhouette as he marches across the African Savanna…
Hope you enjoyed your visit here today. However, this is a blog circle which means more amazing imagery is just a click away. To start with, please check out the talented Dana Cubbage! Her work is always stunning.
Dec 16, 2011
This week, the Posh Pets Project 52 theme was “breaking the rules”. In other words, something out of the ordinary. Well, there is probably nothing quite as bold as taking images from a moving car, in a rain storm with an iPhone. In traditional photographic terms, this IS something you would not do. But I really liked the mood that the movement and dark skies created. Enjoy!
Now, please check out the talented Dana Cubbage of Dana Cubbage Photography to see how she “broke the rules” this week! We’ll see you next week!
Sep 16, 2011
The idea behind this week’s theme was to get nice and close to our subject. Really close. So, I took the opportunity to use my macro lens to see what I could see…it is amazing how cool individual things can look when you focus on them completely.
Here are my cat, Ripley’s, ear! The left one to be exact. Ever ready, ever alert! You can even see his little vein running around the perimeter.
Here is his tail. I’ve always love the “ripples” in his tail!
I love this one in black and white! Again, this is the tip of Ripley’s paintbrush tail – just as he leaves because he is tired of having his photo taken, yet again!
And, just to show how a macro lens can be used for more than just close-up photography, here is Ripley enjoying the morning sun. I love the way the light falls on his face and bathes his profile in a soft glow.
Now, check and see what everyone else in the blog circle came up with. Please start with Cynthia Wood of Georgian Bay Studios and then continue all the way around until you end up back here!
Aug 12, 2011
I remember the day I first tried wine – I thought it was pretty horrible. I did not understand how people could wax poetic about how great a particular wine was or that they would be willing to lay down hundreds of dollars for a sought-after bottle. However, as my palate developed, I discovered something. It isn’t that I did not like wine – I did not like cheap wine. Given the price of my first glass, in truth, it probably was pretty horrible.
My 50mm lens is like a fine wine. When I started in photography, I did what a lot of new photographers do – I purchased a zoom with the biggest range I could find. Afterall, all those numbers on the side of the barrel seemed to be the most bang for my buck. However, as my style developed, I came to appreciate the value of a “prime” (fixed) lens. That, and lovely large apertures. Which, as I quickly discovered, are never cheap. Eventually, that brought me to the day that I stood in a local camera store, handed over my credit card, and purchased my very own 50mm 1.2 Canon lens.
So, this week, please enjoy…A Girl + A Sleeping Kitty + A 50mm lens.
Thanks so much for stopping by! Please take a moment now to follow the blog ring around and see what other 50mm lens images are posted. You can start with Texan resident Judy Babinski of Dog Biscuit Photos by clicking here.
May 27, 2011
There is a beauty in black and white photography that I simply love. To me, it seems to interpret a scene in its purest form – shadows and highlights – and therefore accentuates the light falling on your subject. And we know that photography is all about the light. So, without any further commentary, here is this week’s image in black and white:
As always, please check out the next photographer in our blog ring. This time we are going to Australia to check out Claire (Bear) Garrett from Petography. We will see you again when you make it back here to Toronto, Canada!