Tails of the World 2023

Tails of the World 2023

In May 2023 we participated in the 2nd annual fundraising session called Tails of the World. In conjunction with 74 photographers from 14 countries, over $65,000 was raised for local rescues around the world!

(See the end of this post if you would like the chance to represent Toronto in 2024.)

Highlights of 2023

* We were thrilled to be featured by Susan Hay on Global News (click here)! She helped so much by shedding light on this important project.

* We expanded to 3 locations and were blessed with beautiful weather for all dates.

* We beat our previous goal from 2022 and raised $1400 for Fetch + Releash.

A Huge, Big Thank You

We could not have done it without the amazing pups and people who participated. So many got up early, travelled far, and followed maps to make this happen. And everyone was absolutely on time for their session!

So…without further ado, here are the 12 dogs respresenting TORONTO in Tails of the World book for 2023.

(Psst…want to see the rest of the 785 dogs and still raise money for rescue? You can purchase the book here.)

Beauford & Betty

two golden retrievers in Tails of the World Toronto


GSP in Tails of the World Toronto


Pomeranian in Tails of the World Toronto


dogs in front of Toronto skyline

Bernice & Walter

saint bernard and shih tzue in Tails of the World Toronto


harlequin dane in Tails of the World Toronto


frenchie in tails of the world Toronto


Samoyed in tails of the world Toronto


bernedoodle in Tails of the World Toronto


rescue dog in Tails of the World Toronto

We will be launching 2024 soon!

Get on the list and know when the applications go live!

Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming in Oakville | Grand Opening

Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming in Oakville | Grand Opening

This past Saturday Woof Gang Bakery and Grooming celebrated their Grand Opening in Oakville, Ontario.

Did you know that this is the first Woof Gang to open in Canada? Yep! And what a party it was!

A dog photo booth – woof!

We set up a little photobooth in the front window of the store and photographed all the pups that came in for a visit. There were puppies, seniors and everything in between.

Congratulations to Tanuj and her team on a wonderful event – a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

And now, onto the pups who showed up to party!

Follow us on Instagram to see the BTS.

Make Every 2024 Goal A Walk in the Park

Make Every 2024 Goal A Walk in the Park

We are already at the half-way point in January – can you believe it? A new year with a fresh start always seems so full of promise and many take the time to set some brand new goals. But let’s face it, statistics show that the majority of the goals we make at the start of January don’t make it past the first few weeks.

So…how are you doing?

Well, wherever you are, we thought it would be fun to put a little pet twist on the whole idea of achieving goals: Help increase your chances of reaching your goals by involving your furry best friends!

dog looking up at camera

1. Exercise more.

Dogs and cats love routine and once you have established one, they seldom forget. And that helps us!

You can make it your goal to walk a certain distance with your dog twice a day, explore a new park or conservation area by going on a hike once a week or once a month, or schedule daily playtime with your cat. (A cat dancer in your hands while running around your home will have them following you. Or, if you have one of those lazy felines, try throwing their toy and then let them watch you retrieve it because kitty is not going to move for that – at least you are getting some exercise!)

Once your pet comes to expect the activity, they will prompt you. And there is nothing more motivating than seeing happy, wagging tail waiting for you to get moving.

2. Learn a new skill or hobby.

Want to learn how to paint? Pick some art that features animals or perhaps learn to paint from a photograph you have of your pet.

Want to learn carpentry? Research and find some plans to build a dog house, a cat tree, or a perch for your favourite bird. Even if your pet doesn’t need this item, there is no doubt a local shelter or rescue that would love a donation.

Want to become a chef? Learn how to bake natural dog and cat treats. Research the nutrition behind the foods we feed our pets and see if you can start incorporating some home-made simple additions to their diet.

Pick almost anything you want to learn and see if there is some way you can either be involving your pet in the process or letting them be the recipient of whatever it is you create.

3. Save money / Spend less.

No-buy or a low-buy month/year are quite the thing and you can find all kinds of helpful tips by doing a quick Google search.

What was helpful for me was to look at where I was spending my money. As in, what stores? You know all of those reward programs you might have signed up for? Sometimes by simply consolidating where you choose to shop for items, you can accumulate points or rewards at a greater rate which in turn, allows you to access rewards faster. So, see where you are shopping for your pet supplies and instead of going around to 3 different stores because that is where you have always bought that item, try purchasing everything from 1 store. You might end up finding that you save time, gas, and money.

And do not forget the benefit of having a planned reward. Most researchers now understand that having something to look forward to at the end of a challenge motivates us to complete it.

So…start with a reward. Plan something for you and your pet when you have met your goal of eliminating your debt or saving a certain amount. It can be something simple or grand. The only requirement is that the two of you enjoy it!

4. Read

Start a list of books you would like to read and schedule some time each week for a reading session. Pick a comfy, cozy spot – but here is the caveat – it has to have room for your best friend. If your dog or cat is the type that joins you on the couch when you watch TV, they no doubt will join you when you are reading. Reading sessions that turn into snuggle sessions are the best!

If you want to go more pet-centric, choose books that involve animals. If you like non-fiction, try books that teach you about your dog or cat and how you can enrich each other’s lives. See if there is a pet-friendly book club in your area. And if there isn’t one, why not start your own with fellow pet lovers?

5. Travel

Plan a trip that includes your dog or cat. You can have so much fun doing the research and planning – discovering pet-friendly hotels, restaurants and attractions is a joy. If you are new to this, start small by choosing somewhere closer to where you live and of short duration. That gives you a chance to discover what items you need while on the road, to become accustomed to the rhythm of travel, and ensure that everyone enjoys their time away.

If your destination is one that it simply would not be practical to bring your pet, try bringing a stuffed animal that looks like him/her and photograph ‘your pet’ during your travels. You’ll come home with a lot of fun shots to share!

If one of your goals for 2024 is to not let another year go by without having your dog or cat professionally photographed, here is where you start:


Where it all begins

  • Pre-session Design Consult that ensures we create images you will be thrilled with.
  • The result is gorgeous custom artwork the life your pet shares with your family.
  • A personal Ordering Consultation to ensure you select the right images from the gallery.
  • Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed for a small additional fee.
  • Examples of portraits from Posh Pets Boutique™ Sessions can be found here.

Modern Cat Magazine Cover

Modern Cat Magazine Cover

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Toronto cats rejoice!

I’m so thrilled to announce that one of my photos is on the cover of Modern Cat magazine! I could not be any more proud as this has been a dream of mine for quite some time. After all, there’s nothing quite like seeing your work in print for a major publication.

Now…if you are a cat mum or dad, you should know that this is a real, tangible, hold-in-your-hands print magazine that is the go-to source for all things feline. It’s also Canadian. So yes, you should be subscribed!

If you are dog mom or dog dad, then know that the sister publication is called – you guessed it – Modern Dog.

So there is something for everyone!

Modern Cat magazine

Inside the Magazine

As part of getting chosen for the cover, they needed a headshot of me and noted that it would be even better if it had a kitty in it. So, Bentley decided that if any cat was going to be in Modern Cat, it was going to be him. He’s a real cuddler which makes him a pretty good model. Look how cute he is!

Karen Weiler contributor to Modern Cat magazine and her cat, Bentley.

The Tear Sheet

In commercial and editorial photography, the final design and file is called a tear sheet. And it belongs on your website!

So, without any further delay…here is the Modern Cat magazine cover for Fall-Winter 2023-2024 up close:

Toronto's Posh Pets Photography cover for Modern Cat magazine.

Would you like your fabulous feline to look like ea cover model? A studio session might be just the thing. Check out our portfolio HERE and contact us when you are ready.


Classic studio portraiture

    • Studio portraits with a twist...we come to YOU! These sessions mean we are bringing the backdrop, the lights and all of the equipment necessary to set up a  photo studio in your home. Of course, if you prefer, you are welcome to come to our studio.
    • The result of this series is classic artwork with a timeless aesthetic that you will be proud to display on your walls.
    • Ideal for puppies, smaller breeds, cats or pets who are not comfortable travelling or spending time in the great outdoors.
    • Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed at a cost of $50 per subject.
    • Examples of portraits from Posh Pets Studio™ Sessions can be found here.
Does your dog or cat feel guilt? Does it matter?

Does your dog or cat feel guilt? Does it matter?

You come home to the mess. And the look. You know the one – the head down, the puppy dog eyes that just cries out, “but…but…the pillow attacked me. And you were gone for so long. Please don’t be mad.

Usually that’s all it takes for our hearts to melt and for us to move quickly from irritation to forgiveness and love. And so we clean up the mess and move on to snuggles.

But have you ever wondered if your pet actually feels sorry or is it all in your head? Are they manipulating our feelings? Well, let’s look at what the current science says…

smug black puppy on sofa not feeling guilty

1. Dogs definitely feel emotions.

While some researchers believe dogs have the mental and emotional development of a 2-year-old human, all agree that they are beings with the capacity to feel. They are not robots and our relationship with them is unique and special.

2. Great! What types of emotions?

Researchers believe that canines and felines feel primary emotions such as fear, anger, love, and happiness as a response to what is happening to them. That’s good news for us – it means that they are capable of loving us and forming a close attachment. That’s not in your head!

3. However…

The jury is out as to whether pets feel secondary emotions like jealousy and shame. Guilt is considered one of the secondary emotions.

Also, there is a question as to whether how long after they have done something they remember it, and can therefore associate feelings of guilt with a certain behaviour. That’s why you’ll often hear the advice of only trying to correct behaviour in the moment. Coming home to a mess and correcting the poor pup long after the incident occurred may not result in him being able to associate the punishment with the crime.

4. I don’t know – he looks guilty!

Ah yes, that look they give you when you discover the results of the misbehaviour.

Science hypothesizes that the “guilty” look you see is more than likely a result of the dog recognizing your behavious rather previously being scolded for his/her unwanted behavior. They learn to associate “misbehavior” (whether they really did it or not!) with the adverse response from their human. Your dog is responding to your reaction to their action.

In other words, when you discover the mess and you sound angry or frustrated, your dog is responding to your behaviour in that moment without necessarily knowing why you are angry or frustrated.

5. What about cats?

Cats might look guilty but it’s more likely they are following their instincts. Their cower might be a fear response to your yelling (not guilt for doing something wrong) or they might be fighting with a new cat in the household to establish territory (not because they’re jealous).

In conclusion…

If you are dealing with a pet’s challenging behaviour, be sure to visit a veterinarian ASAP to rule out any underlying medical reason.

While we still don’t know for sure if dogs feel sorry for what they’ve done, we do know that many dog moms and dads feel guilty for losing their cool with their dogs.

And ultimately, does it really matter what the science says?

When asked the question, 74% of dog parents believe their dogs feel guilt after their rule-breaking.

And 100% of cat parents (totally made up statistic) know that a cat is going to do what a cat wants. I know that our two have never looked guilty. Rather I’m sure that they believe that their undeniable cuteness gives them a free pass on everything.

And no number of scientific studies and research is ever going to change that!

Personalized Pet Stickers: Show off your dog or cat's happy face everywhere!

Our awesome friends at Sticker Mule create high-quality, completely custom stickers that are perfect for sharing your pet’s face (guilty or not) with everyone. You can even cut them into any shape you like! Check them out by clicking on the button below.
Two Dogs and a Cat | Starling, Duke and Kitt

Two Dogs and a Cat | Starling, Duke and Kitt

2 dogs and 1 cat in silhouette at sunrise in Toronto
We had picked the day and time and it was EARLY! Time was of the essence as Mum had let me know that Starling, her black labrador, was not feeling well and she really wanted to capture her first pup in the early morning light.

When we arrived at the location, my heart sank a little. The sky was ‘socked in’ and it was just a blanket of grey, featureless clouds.

There is no way we’re getting a visible sunrise, I thought.

Add to that, the location was over the water because I wanted an unobstructed view of the sky which meant it was windy. And cold.

But it was too late to postpone now – the two dogs and one cat (!) were already on the long drive from home to meet me.

And so I waited, hoping that the sky might clear.

By the time they arrived, the sky was still awful. We had only a few precious minutes to try and get the pets to settle and simply hope for the best when it came to the sky.

By the time we got our first dog in place, the ‘official’ sunrise time had passed. Nothing but grey, mournful sky.

However, above the horizon, I noticed a sliver of clear sky and I thought: What happens when the sun gets there?

Well, we found out.

For less than 2.5 minutes tops, the sky lit up with the most incredible orange-red hues!

We quickly got to work as we needed all three furry siblings in place to create our portraits. As quickly as the colour appeared, it disappeared when the sun went firmly behind the wall of clouds and we were once again enveloped in the grey, windy landscape.

But it was enough. Enough for this. Meet Duke, Starling and Kitt silhouetted against the incredible morning sky.

Professional photographer tip: A portrait like this involving multiple subjects takes some forethought and planning to execute well. This is an outcrop over the water and we simply cannot risk anyone slipping or falling. Thus, the humans are very close by and all of the pets are on leash at the time.  The editing and retouching process ensures that the final portraits are perfect.

Photographing Your (Pet) Family

Whenever you have a family involving dogs and cats, the question always arises as to whether we can get a portrait of everyone together. To which I say: we are going to do everything possible to set ourselves up for success.

Much of our approach will depend on the relationships with each other and the temperaments of the furry siblings. In this case, believe it or not, Kitt (the gorgeous cat you see) was the most ‘stable’. (Stable is the word I use to describe the subject most likely to get into and hold a position.) Kitt also loves his canine brother and sister which is a great plus.

The result is that this final portrait was taking in one frame – no compositing!

2 dogs and a cat photographed outside in the Greater Toronto Area. (GTA)
Of course, individual portraits are important too. Here’s Kitt with his gorgeous colouring which matches the early winter tones of the forest.
brown cat photographed in tone on tone forest
Duke is the youngest and the most wiggly. But a head tilt and he got his portrait to match his feline brother.
boxer dog with headtilt photographed in brush
But this session was really for Starling, Mum’s baby. Starling had just recently been diagnosed with cancer and was undergoing some treatments. Not knowing how much time they had left together, it was vital we had gorgeous photos of her.
black lab photographed in early winter forest

Celebrating the relationship

Given Starling’s diagnosis, we spent extra time and effort of photographing Starling and her Mum together. First in the early sky.
woman and her dog at sunrise during professional photography session in Toronto
girl and her dog at sunrise.
And together again later in the session. These unscripted moments are among the most precious. You can feel the love.
black lab and mum enjoying a quiet moment Toronto
senior dog giving mum kisses during photo sesion
dog mum hugging senior dog during photo session
Of course, we had to get a family portrait of everyone together!

Porfessional photographer tip: No one has to be in photographs during a session with me. But I always encourage someone to come dressed as if they might. It just gives you options during our time together.

family portrait of a couple, 2 dogs and 1 cat
Lastly, we ended up on the beach where again, we took a solo portrait of Starling.
black lab dog portrait on beach in Toronto
As well as Starling with her brother, Duke.
2 dogs on the beach

(Note: After I wrote this post and scheduled its publication, I found out from Mum that Starling had said her final goodbye.)

Starling, you have left a huge hole in your family’s lives. Your sweet spirit will be remembered by all who you touched. Run free, my brave girl.

And to Duke and Kitt, thank you for working with me during our session to celebrate Starling. It was like you knew that this was important for you were the most cooperative trio I have ever met. Thank you for giving me the honour. ♥

Looking to create meaningful portraits of your dog or cat during a Heritage Session? This is a special session to ‘celebrate the life, love and legacy of your pet.’™


Celebrating the life, love and legacy of your pet. ™

  • High-priority sessions are reserved for pets that become ill or are simply elderly. We make every effort to schedule these on short notice and work within their restrictions.
  • An opportunity to take time out of your busy schedule to spend some quality time together, celebrate the life you have shared and create images you will treasure forever.
  • Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed for a small additional fee.
  • More information can be found here.
CTV’s The Social “Dog Pawty” | Event Photography

CTV’s The Social “Dog Pawty” | Event Photography

Last month we had a fun project to work on with CTV’s The Social…a real, bonafide dog party (pawty)!

In early June, Trevor Frankfort of Trevents contacted me to run a doggie photo booth for the honoured furry guests. Of course, I happily agreed.

The Details

If you take a look at Trevor’s site, you’ll quickly see that he usually plans incredible wedding events around the city. So, I knew this dog party would be an amazing party to photograph!

Getting there early to set up and this gorgeous sight greeted me – look at all of these luscious details fit for a dog! The colours, the textures, and yes, all of those treats were handmade for doggos.

Detail photos of the dog event with The Social on CTV.

The Guestlist: Dogs

When the furry friends arrived – there were 8 of them – they were all encouraged to spend some time getting on the outfits handpicked by Trevor himself. Quite the fashion show.

We then photographed each of them individually in front of this incredible, custom-designed background by Kaidy Balloons. It can bring a little chaotic fun, but with an experienced pet photographer running your dog photo booth, it usually only takes 1 or 2 minutes to get the perfect portrait!

pet themed background for photos at dog event
shih tzu in a dress in dog photobooth in Mississauga
shih tzu in a dress in dog photobooth in Mississauga
poodle in dog photo booth in Oakville
shih tzu in dog photo booth mississauga
westie in dog photo booth GTA
black dog in photo booth in Toronto

Behind the Scenes

Now, not to be forgotten was all of the food and treats for the canine guests. Some were initially a little shy. Or, maybe they were just trying to be polite. Others though – like Liv Tyler here – were quite happy to climb up and tuck right in!

puppy having photo taken with cell phone.
black dog eating dog cake off of table.

As any dog influencer knows, if you are invited to such an exclusive event, the paparazzi will be out. So, it’s important to always have your ‘fit and pose on point.

puppy having photo taken with cell phone.

The Hosts: Jess Allen + Trevor Frankfort

We couldn’t leave without getting a few photos of the hosts Jess and Trevor.

Jess Allen from The Social with Trevor from Trevents.
Jess Allen with dog at backyard puppy party.

The Final Photo

Truthfully, I was not even sure we could get this final shot of the day – and I sort of regretted suggesting it. Afterall, 8 people and 8 dogs all looking in one direction at the same time, is no small feat. But once I had spoken up, we just had to try.

(dog photographer insider tip: the people are harder to photograph than the dogs tongue-out)

And you know what? We got it! Here are the dog mums and the invited guests and hosts in one glorious photo!

Dogs with dog moms at backyard dog party.

Hosting the Pet-Event of the Season?

Need event coverage or individual photos of the guests? Get in touch with the details and we’ll see if we are a fit!

Tres | End of Life Heritage Session

Tres | End of Life Heritage Session

Sometimes the first frame takes your breath away.

Tres family contacted me to photograph him in his backyard. A senior pup with mobility issues, he was no longer able to go far from his family home.

So I arrived and began to look for a location in the backyard. We waited patiently while Tres made a very long, slow trek (for him) out of the house and into the backyard.

When he finally got there with Dad’s help, I asked my assistant to hold the light while I did a light test. And I shot the one frame you see below.

So technically, this wasn’t a photograph I planned. But it was the most beautiful tribute to the relationship and Tres’ wonderful life.

man kissing his senior dog at the end of life heritage session with Posh Pets Photography

Things to know about End of Life (Heritage Sessions)

While I will always encourage people to have their pet photographed while he/she is still young and full of life, there is nothing quite like celebrating a wonderful life with a loving family. The resulting portraits often become most treasured and a source of comfort once the final goodbye has been said.

However, ensure that your photographer approaches a session like this with the right mindset. As with every pup or kitty, we need to work with them in a way that puts their comfort and happiness at the forefront. With a senior or unwell pet, the limitations may be many as movement and mobility can be issues. Choosing the right time of day when your pet feels most well and alert is crucial, as is the schedule surrounding any medications. Know that these also tend to be shorter sessions as older pets tire more quickly.

And that is why the pre-session consult is important – we want to prioritize any portraits you would like to get within whatever timeframe we have. 

But…with good planning, flexibility and a pure love for your pet, we will get a beautiful portrait, full of meaning.

senior dog portrait in Toronto during end of life session

Want to see what Tres’ mum had to say about their session? –> REVIEWS

Have a senior dog or cat that you would like to have photographed? Need a pet photographer that specializes in end of life sessions? Contact me to discuss your options.


Celebrating the life, love and legacy of your pet. ™

  • High-priority sessions are reserved for pets that become ill or are simply elderly. We make every effort to schedule these on short notice and work within their restrictions.
  • An opportunity to take time out of your busy schedule to spend some quality time together, celebrate the life you have shared and create images you will treasure forever.
  • Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed for a small additional fee.
  • More information can be found here.
Poppy + Henry | Dog Photographer in Toronto, Ontario

Poppy + Henry | Dog Photographer in Toronto, Ontario

I’ve photographed this lovely family through the years as dogs changed – it has always been the highlight of my year. The goal is always one beautiful family portrait and we have tried to make each year unique and different from the one before it. We don’t travel to any epic locations, but with a little scouting have always ended up with something that is beautifully framed for the wall.

Here is the 2022 version that was taken just steps from the family home:

Dog family photographed on rocks in Toronto, Canada

The Dogs

Poppy is a senior now and she’s moving a little slower than the last time I saw her. But she is still beautiful and still willing to do whatever we ask of her. We had to help her a little to get up on the rock, but once there, she was happy to rest and pose.

senior dog photographer in the GTA, Ontario

Henry is a little older and wiser now than last time – he was a puppy and made us work for the final family photo! He makes us laugh with his ever-changing expressions and easily distracted demeanor. It’s a lot to ask from a dog in a public park to focus his attention on YOU, but we made it work.

adult dog photographed in park in Toronto

Relationships are everthing.

I always tell clients that I will never force anyone to get in photos with their dogs, but that I ask that you come dressed to do so because it gives you options. I truly believe that relationships are what makes our time with dogs so special – they are important parts of our families and our lives. Capturing the essence of that is what I live for.

Poppy is, and always has been, Daddy’s girl. And his care and attention to her needs are such a wonderful joy to observe. A quiet moment together and loving caress…Poppy laps it all up.

Dog dad and senior dog share a quiet moment

As for Henry, some ‘photographer secrets’ will be spilled here…

By the end of our session, Henry had managed to get his paws dirty. Like, really dirty. Called upon to sit with his mum, he managed to transfer the dirt and hair from him to all over her pants and blouse. So…a little retouching was in order. That’s what you get when you hire a professional – a little finesse to achieve an elevated reality and wonderful portraits.

Portrait of dog mom and bearded collie dog.

Want to see what they had to say about their session? –> REVIEWS

Thinking of  a family photographer that specializes in photographing your beloved dog and cat? Get the details and contact us below:


Where it all begins

  • Pre-session Design Consult that ensures we create images you will be thrilled with.
  • The result is gorgeous custom artwork the life your pet shares with your family.
  • A personal Ordering Consultation to ensure you select the right images from the gallery.
  • Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed for a small additional fee.
  • Examples of portraits from Posh Pets Boutique™ Sessions can be found here.
Marcie | Family Pet Photography in Mississauga, Ontario

Marcie | Family Pet Photography in Mississauga, Ontario

I’d like to introduce you to Marcie!

When I asked her Mum and Dad – as I often do – what breed is she, I was told that she was a cross between a Husky, Shepherd, Malamute, and Lab. Well, that must be the recipe for cuteness! Add to that her adorable 1-ear-up-1-down, as well as her 1 sparkly blue and 1 brown eye…yep Marcie’s got it all.

She also turned out to be a master poser. I mean, just look at her!

dog posing in Fall leaves

Professional photographer tip: You’ll notice that Marcie has her collar on in her portrait above. To have the collar on in the final images is a personal decision and one that I leave up to my clients. In this case, Marcie’s tag matched the surroundings, was hanging beautifully, and had her name showing. That combination made it an easy yes to keeping it in the final portrait.

Autumn in Southern Ontario

We chose the Fall Colours as our backdrop and waiting for the perfect day. As you may recall, last year’s display was absolutely spectacular! I’m not sure I remember an Autumn as good as 2022 – beautiful weather, vivid colours, and a season that went on and on.

It was on one of these crisp Autumn mornings that we all met to photograph Marcie and the 2 humans she loves the most. My assignment was clear: capture the relationship this family shares together without a lot of perfectly posed shots. I have to say: Those elements all came to gether in this image of them walking through the forest with Marcie looking adoringly at her people. It’s probably my favourite one from our session.

couple walking in fall colours with their rescue dog

And this one! A totally unscripted moment when Marcie came up to her Mum and Dad while we were planning out our next location. It’s capturing images like this that makes my heart sing. It is obvious how much Marcie loves her people and how much they love her. For rescue dogs like Marcie, this is the happy ending we all dream of.

Dog and couple on bridge.

Time to get wet!

Planning a session out is really important because you want everyone – including the dog – to simply think that this is the best day ever. It should be full of treats and praise and doing things they love doing.

In Marcie’s case, she has a LOT of energy. So, we walked and ran and did all kinds of fun things. But she also loves water! So, we could not let the session end without letting her wade in.

The best part of this photograph? That little trail of water hanging from her mouth. It’s all in the details.

Professional photographer tip: This is where good planning is key: Always leave these images to the end of your session because once doggo is wet, there is no coming back from it.

Dog playing in creek in Mississauga

Thank you Marcie for spending the morning with me and introducing me to your lovely Mum and Dad! I had so much fun with you and I hope you all have many wonderful adventures together!

Want to see what they had to say about their session? –> REVIEWS


Autumn Sessions with Fall Colours

I know that it is early, but if you are thinking about an Autumn session, now is the time to get in touch with me. This is by far the most requested time of year and I have only a limited number of sessions that can be accommodated. Reserve your session now.

If These Walls Could Talk | Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival

If These Walls Could Talk | Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival

Exhibiting at the Stackt Market from May 4, 2023 until June 1, 2023

Part of the annual Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival

Mural: Leyland Adams (leylandadams.com)
Photographer: Karen Weiler (poshpetsphoto.com)

The Mural: CNIB Dreams

Located at 1525 Yonge Street, Toronto

I had the opportunity to photograph Leyland Adams in front of his incredible mural located at the CNIB GTA Community Hub. Leyland is at the forefront of making art more accessible for all and his practice “prioritizes accessibility through the integration of tactile, sensory, and audio descriptive technology”. This is accomplished through the use of various textures found throughout the piece.

I loved hearing how at the official unveiling blind children were able to describe what they perceived in the mural, and how they could easily identify that there were trees, rocks, and water on this magnificent cityscape.

As Leyland says, the beauty is that this “type of art creates opportunities for discussions around accessibility and generates understanding by allowing people to see, hear and feel things they otherwise might be excluded from.”

Toronto muralist Leyland Adams in front of his mural CNIB Dreams
Street mural and dog photographer in Toronto

The Rescue Dog: Sunny

This project also gave me the opportunity to meet Leyland’s beautiful dog, Sunny. More than just a loyal companion, she’s family.

As a pet photographer who loves Toronto and its dogs, it was only natural that I capture the bond between them with the mural as a spectacular background. What made the moment even more special was when I learned that Sunny came into Leyland’s life through Fetch + Releash, the very rescue organization that I regularly volunteer with. It was a heartwarming bit of serendipity where the many worlds I live in came together.

dog photographed in front of Toronto mural by Posh Pets Photography
Sunny and Leyland Adams in front of his mural, CNIB Dreams
man and dog walk past Toronto mural

If you are in the area, please come down to Stackt Market to see these images printed on BIG 8ft x 4ft panels. Come see these and the other participating artists featuring the murals found in our great city.

We met Susan Hay of Global News Toronto!

We met Susan Hay of Global News Toronto!

In case you missed it, earlier this week I was featured on Global News Toronto as part of the Tails of the World book project. I was also asked to be filmed while photographing two dogs who will be a part of the project, Sophie and Myca.

The experience was both nerve-racking and exhilarating. As a professional pet photographer, I am used to being behind the camera, but being in front of it was a whole other thing. However, I was thrilled to be able to share my love of photographing the dogs and cats of Toronto, as well as the work I do for Fetch + Releash.

See some of the photographs we produced, the behind-the-scenes, a recording of the Global News segment, and information on how you can be a part of the next Tails of the World project.

The Featured Photographs

The one thing I did not worry about were the models. I’ve worked with Myca (the bernedoodle) and Sophie (the pomeranian) numerous times in the past, and they always knock it out of the park. The bonus is that, when these two appear, no one looks at me anyway laughing

bernedoodle dog posing in front of Toronto's skyline
pomeranian with hair blowing in the wind in Toronto
bernedoodle running on the Toronto boardwalk
fluffy pomeranian sitting on bench

Behind The Scenes 

(click on the photos to enlarge them)

Global News Segment Recording

Watch the 3-minute segment here by clicking on the link or the photo of Sophie.

Global News (link)

pomeranian on driftwood on Toronto's waterfront

Want to get involved?

We are fully booked for the 2023 Tails of the World project, but think you might want to be involved the next time? Sign up here to get advance notice of when we launch it next!