Mar 8, 2012
Introducing this week’s group of furry faces! There was great diversity in shapes, sizes and colours…but all are wonderful future pets! Please check these images out and if you are interested in adopting, contact the Toronto Animal Services – North Region for more details. They will also be featured on the Posh Pets Facebook Page throughout the week, where you can find out some additional information on each of them.

We’ll see you next week!
Feb 29, 2012
Here are the adoptables for this week! If there is a furry face here that you would like to get to know better, please contact Toronto Animal Services – North Region directly. The Posh Pets Photography Facebook Page will be also featuring their images over the next couple of days. We will be sure to post a little information about each one along with their image.
First are the kitties!

And now the dogs!

Please pass these images on to those who may be looking to adopt and we’ll see you next week!
Feb 24, 2012
First off, if you follow the Project 52 series each week, I am happy to report that Patches and April were adopted a few days ago! Not together, which would have been just about perfect, but I am so happy that these older pets found lovely families to spend the rest of their lives with. If you missed their story, you can read it here.
This week’s theme was chosen by Posh Pets to see what we could do with mirrors or any other reflective surface. I cannot wait to see what the group came up with!
Here is Ripley. The one thing that people always comment on are his gorgeous eyes. After all these years, they are still as large and bright as they ever were and these images really show them off. He’s looking adoringly at himself in my compact mirror.

And then, there is Lady Jane – her tail, that is. I really like this image because it just has the hint of a cat. What you do not see is the furry, loveable 15 lb. body attached to it!

Next up in the blog circle is Kelly Kennedy Coyle of Sweet Silver Photo. Please check her work out as well as the rest of the artists in our group – we love it when we get feedback!
Feb 13, 2012
Today, is a special day in our house for it marks the moment, 16 years ago, when Ripley came into our lives. Originally from the Toronto Humane Society, the “Ripley Years” have just flown by. However, in other ways, it seems like forever for we cannot remember life before his arrival. The day he popped his little head out of his carrier, made himself comfortable on our bed, and took up residence in our hearts.
So, happy adoption day to our big orange tabby. May there be many more years of relaxing on our bed to come…

Dec 28, 2011
Introducing the new gang of adoptables at Toronto Animal Services – North Region for this week! As always, if you want to find out more information about these beautiful pets, you can contact TAS or check out the Posh Pets Facebook page. Such lovely, furry faces to feature this week – I think you will really enjoy them!

And now the kitties…

See you all next year (can you believe it will be 2012?)!
Dec 22, 2011
Meet this week’s lovely animals available for adoption at the Toronto Animal Services – North Region! As always, please feel free to contact TAS for more information about any particular dog or cat. You can also find out a few more details about each of them on the Posh Pets Photography Facebook page.
Here are Ridley, Quinn, Sampson and little Sara.

This week, we have 5 beautiful felines – Cream Puff, Rupert, Clarice, Ashby and Chester.

Thanks for visiting us this week – we look forward to seeing you again!
Dec 16, 2011
We are a little late this week, but here the current residents at the Toronto Animal Services (North Region). As always, you can find out a few details about them by visiting the Posh Pets Facebook page or the TAS.
First, we have the graceful felines…

And now, we have our many dogs looking for homes!

See you back here next week!
Dec 9, 2011

In our house, the cats drink Perrier.
Water. Fresh. Cold. Chilled in the fridge. On demand…
Let me tell you about our history with water. We’ve been through a number of different water bowl scenarios. Like most cats, at one time, Ripley had a water bowl. Simple and clean. But, we discovered (or Ripley trained us) that he likes his water fresh and cold. Soon after, he had a fountain that constantly circulated his water and made lovely babbling noises that made me want to go to the washroom. That was good for a couple of years. But then it seemed that the fountain didn’t keep his water cold enough and he would meow at the fridge for new, colder water. Ripley has always been so cute that we gave in and started giving him water when he asked (even if his bowl was filled to the brim with room-temperature water).
At this point, Ripley currently has two water bowls strategically placed in the house. And we have our ritual. He will ask for water at the one, have a drink, and then promptly ask for the second water bowl to be filled. Of course, he has to SEE you fill his water bowl. No cheating and using time efficiently, by simply filling both bowls at the same time. That doesn’t cut it in our house.
The water is “special” as well – which is the only reason why my husband and I have allowed ourselves to be trained in such a fashion. Ripley has bad teeth. Like some people who dutifully go to the dentist every three months and still have a tartar build-up and gingivitis, our orange kitty is just one of those felines. Dental cleanings at the local vet are very expensive, as we found out within a year of Ripley coming into our home. He had two cleanings that year, within 9 months of each other. His teeth had deteriorated so badly and so quickly, that there was concern that he had something seriously wrong. It turned out that he just has bad teeth. Regular cleanings are not an option because of the expense and the need to put him under anaesthetic every time it was performed. So, our vet recommended that we add something to his water – a liquid enzyme that keeps their teeth and breath fresh and beautiful. The $20 bottle lasts us about 6 months and since using it over 10 years ago, Ripley has not had another dental cleaning.
But, that began our lifelong process of “making” kitty water. It has to be kept in glass bottles or the enzyme seems to do weird things to plastic bottles. Thus, the Perrier bottle. We make sure it is marked in the fridge – not that it would kill you if you drank it. In fact, you would have clean teeth! However, it does mean one thing:
In our house, the cats drink Perrier. Or, so they think.

Now, let’s see what all the other creative and talented members of the Project 52 blog circle have come up with. We’ll start with fellow Ontar-ian, Ann Kearns Photography. And remember to make your way around the whole circle until you wind up back here.
Nov 30, 2011
While it was “raining cats and dogs” outside, we were inside photographing the warm and dry kitties! Take a look at this week’s adoptables which feature a number of little kittens. If someone catches your eye, please contact the Toronto Animal Services – North Region to check on them.

And now, please meet Hank! Hank bravely faced the wet elements so we could show you what a beautiful German Sheppard mix he is. He is anxiously awaiting to meet his forever family!
Until next week!