Jun 21, 2018
Tomorrow is a special day – it’s Bring Your Dog to Work Day! And I thought what better way to celebrate than by speaking with Sharon Jennings from The Office Dog. She is the go-to person for aspiring office-friendly dogs and dog-friendly offices and is a wealth of information on the subject. If you are thinking of bringing your dog into your workplace, here are 3 tips from her to ensure the day is a smooth one.
Bring Your Dog to Work Day is not about you. Put your dog’s needs first.
Only participate in Bring Your Dog to Work day if you honestly think that your dog will be happy there. If your pup is unsure, or fearful of new people or dogs, then it’s not the right thing for your dog – no matter how much YOU want to do it.
If there’s something your dog doesn’t like, for example, being stroked by strangers, make sure your colleagues know ahead of time – and stick up for your dog on the day if anyone crosses that boundary.
If you’re working on keeping your calm, don’t let people rough-house, or playfight with him.
If he’s on a special diet, make sure no one’s giving him treats on the sly.
Have a backup plan for if your dog is unhappy in the office. Either a friend or family member on hand to come and collect him (someone he knows well). Or advance permission to take him home – it’ll be better for everyone to get him out.
Plan ahead.
Clear your schedule for the day so that you don’t have to disappear off to meetings leaving your dog alone or in the charge of someone else.
Make sure you know where you can and can’t let your dog go to the toilet.
Find out what other dogs will also be in the office – especially ones that will be near you. If there are going to be a few dogs in a small area can you work at a different desk for the day?
Do you know where the closest vet is in case of an emergency?
Take in a bed or crate the day before, so you don’t have to struggle in with that AND your dog.
If you commute, has your dog used that mode of transport before? Could be worth a few bus or train trips ahead of time.
Take toys and treats.
Presumably you’re going to have to get some work done on the day! So, take toys and treats that will keep your dog occupied for periods of time. Avoid squeaky toys that’ll annoy your colleagues, or anything that’s liable to get him over-excited.
Try freezing some food in a Kong the night before, that should keep him occupied for a while.
A Snuffle Rug allows your dog to self-soothe as he roots around for food – and something like dried parmesan is nice and smelly, while not adding too many calories to his diet.
Well, there you have it! Thanks Sharon for taking the time to share this information with us. And if you have brought your dog to work, please share with us in the comments any things that you have found that have worked well. Have a great day tomorrow!
Jan 13, 2016
No doubt about it – Posh Pets® Photography loves our home city, Toronto. It’s a great city full of great dogs, cats, and their people. It’s busy and vibrant and boasts an easily identifiable skyline. And, it simply looks spectacular in photographs!

To celebrate our home city, we’ve been working on a project for some time now – finding a way to incorporate that awesome cityscape into images with YOUR dogs. We’ve been quietly scoping out locations and enlisting the help of many urban pups and their intrepid humans.
This has not always been easy. As you know, the Toronto skyline boasts one of the tallest buildings in the world, the CN Tower. Finding a perspective that will allow me to place a sitting dog who is about 12 inches high, in the same frame as a 1,815.4 ft building can be a challenge. Even large breeds are not really all that big when you place them beside architecture.
These images celebrate that truly quintessential urban pup. You know the one…they embrace the city lifestyle. They know their neighbourhood…Uptown, downtown, the Annex, The Beach, Cabbage Town, Liberty Village…you get the idea. Toronto is their home. Or, they lived here at one point and haven’t forgotten their roots.
If you are looking to create a Posh Pups in the City™ image(s) in your Boutique Session, then you are in the right place. You might have a location in mind, or we can research and explore an awesome spot together. We will create something that you will be happy to display on your wall for years to come! Let’s do this…
PS: If you have an urban feline that loves the outdoors, does well on a leash, we would absolutely love to meet them too. Posh Cats in the City™…why not? Me-ow!

Jul 21, 2015
The hot, sticky, humid days are upon us in Toronto! Even so, the dogs at Toronto Animal Services seems to enjoy getting out and letting their paws enjoy the grass. (The treats and belly rubs may also add to their joy.) It’s such fun to meet and photograph these gorgeous furry faces each week.
Yesterday, we had an abundance of little brown and tan doggies. It’s like they all decided to match the background! Along with a black and white coat or two, and you have one group of great-looking guys and girls. Introducing this week’s group of eager adoptables…

My last little ones were Nigel and Sophia, a sweet natured bonded pair. Sophia is an 8 year old Yorkie mix and Nigel appears to be about 5 years old. TAS would love for them to find a home together. So, if you know anyone looking for a couple of best friends, please pass this on!

May 6, 2015
This post is going to be HUGE. It is the third, and final, instalment of the Pampered Pooches festival and all of us at Posh Pets were thrilled to meet all of you! If you missed them, you can find Part 1 and Part 2 here.
With this many dogs, names are hard to remember. If you would like me to mention your dog’s name, please let me know in the comments below and I will update the post.
So, with without further ado, here are the rest of the cuties we met…
The sun came out in the afternoon and the dogs loved basking in the sun.

So many soulful, sweet faces!

A gorgeous greyhound!

This little girl was eager to please.

This duo were getting lots of attention wherever they went.

Nothing like a little white dog!

And a sweet poodle girl.

A little terrier with bows in her hair.

Everytime I look at this face, I smile. Samson, you are one cute pooch!

A little scruff nut came to visit.

As did a gorgeous malmute.

A happy Boston!

Tongues were out and smiles were big.

What a cutie!

A little more serious pose. I think he was worried that I might not hand the treat over 🙂

Such soft, clean hair. Not easy when you are white!

This little poodle had the most beautiful coloured coat.

Another dachshund…

Then the puppies came along…this frenchie was sooooo cute.

A beagle with soulful eyes…

A happy beagle boy!

Such a mournful look. Don’t worry…there are more treats.

Even in the chaos, you can still get a head tilt.

This little guy was just happy to be here.

Another frenchie puppy with the most awesome colouring…

Busy figuring out what else was coming…

There were lots of Bostons that came out.

Okay lady, take my picture.

I tell really good jokes 🙂

This fluffy GSD puppy named Dino came to visit us. Those little tufts of hair are just wonderful!

A sleepy customer…

Puppy. What more can I say?

And a wrinkled little brow. Just makes you want to cuddle them, doesn’t it?

Someone looks like they just got groomed for the event! One regal looking schnauzer…

A little shih tzu named Oreo who also looks like he had just gone to the salon…

Well, this guy let me know what he thought of everything!

Whew! I think I got everyone! Again, THANK YOU for coming out and helping to make Pampered Pooches a great success!
May 4, 2015
Welcome to Part 2 of the Posh Pets Pampered Pooches wrap up which happened on Saturday! If you missed it, you can find Part 1 here.
Again, I am unsure of many of the names, so if you know these doggies, please leave a comment below and let me know their details (of course, let me know which picture you are talking about). I’ll be monitoring the comments and will definitely edit the post with names as I receive them.
As anyone knows, wherever there are large crowds of people gathered it is important to have good security. Well, Pampered Pooches had some of the cutest security around for the day. His name is Sneakers and he belongs to Kristen of TheDen Toronto. (They have some of the coolest workshops around – design and make your own wedding rings, anyone?) Here you can see Sneakers ‘on patrol’, checking out the booths as we were setting up in the morning.

He also came to the Posh Pets booth to ensure our water and treats were good. I am happy to say we got a ‘Pass‘!

I’m thinking of renaming this post to “dogs-in-arms”, simply because there were a lot of furry faces being carried around. Finding yourself in a sea of legs can be overwhelming when your little. But, when you have an awesome human who is willing to scoop you up, it is oh-so-good.

This one could be a model – she has the gaze just right!

Happiness written all over this girls face!

This little one is Penny and she is a gorgeous Cavalier King Charles puppy. If I could have distracted her human long enough, I would have tucked her in my bag…

A frenchie puppy is always a good thing.

A little senior chihuahua – love the grizzled faces!

Could I be any happier?

Look at those ears!

At first glance, Zona appears to be big enough to walk on her own four feet.

But, given half the chance, she too is happy to be picked up and cuddled. She even shows her appreciation by showering you with kisses! Here she sneaks in a few with her dog walker Katherine, who runs the awesome Katie & Co. If you live in the Toronto area and need a dog walker, check out her website for more info.

These two opted for the stroller and had quite a bit to say about it!

Their sister, on the other hand, likes to be personally carried. She deserves it – after all, she is a bit of a celebrity, and her next star turn I am told, is the role of Toto in the Toronto production of The Wizard of Oz.

Max is 3-year old beautiful boy who has helped so many others with his work as a therapy dog. Unfortunately, he is facing some health issues of his own, so it was easier for him to enjoy the festival from the vantage point of his pram.

This little dude was quite happy to walk, strutting about and showing off his brand new striped harness. He had just received it and boy, did he look good!

And sometimes, even if you don’t need to be picked up, it is just enough to know that your human is near by.

There are still more furry faces to go. Stay tuned here and we’ll be posting Part 3 soon!
May 3, 2015
We had an absolute blast at the Pampered Pooches dog festival yesterday! THANK YOU to all of the lovely furry faces who came and visited the Posh Pets booth and for those who graciously turned on those smiles for my camera. What’s more, we had an absolutely gorgeous day of perfect weather!

We photographed a lot of doggies, so this is Part 1 of the pooches we met. I’ll also be sharing some of these images on the Posh Pets Instagram account. Now…I do not remember the names of all of these charming guys and gals, so if you see someone you recognize, please leave a comment below and let me know their name (of course, let me know which picture you are talking about). I’ll be monitoring the comments and will definitely edit the post with names as I receive them.
One of our first visitors of the morning was a bit of a celebrity. This is Tiffany the pom who is known for her purple hair and her style. She’s also a darling sweetheart.

This little black beauty posed with her front paw raised.

A gorgeous husky with a winning smile!

We were thrilled to have Emily and Bachaesh visit our booth! Emily runs an amazing dog-centric blog called Give a Dog a Bone. If you are looking to find out the latest in all things canine, you should follow her blog!

Those eyes! That smile!

A mini-schnauzer with a perfect pair of blue shoes.

The first of a parade of little white doggies was Jinx, looking dapper in his cute striped shirt. Rescued from an uncertain future, he is now very much loved.

Jinx was with his sister Angel who was sporting a tutu (which you can just barely see). On her back, it reads: rescued and spoiled. I love happy endings.

An intense gaze…on the treat I was holding!

This darling lost her left eye quite recently. But, she hasn’t let it slow her down!

This little guy just made me want to pick him up and give him a cuddle.

This pug was willing to work the camera for food.

A shy little sweetheart.

A curious little fellow.

Some of the little ones preferred to be carried around. These two chihuahuas were more than happy to meet people – and it is much easier when you are raised up off of the ground!

More little white dogs than I could count were walking around all day.

Our first long-dog of the morning…

Dexter, Kimchi and Dudley paid us a visit – so much corgi cuteness in one photograph!

The doxies were out in full-force during the festival!

Harley, the little rottie puppy has got the human-paralyzing head-tilt down pat already.

Nothing like the smile of a golden girl!

Fuzzy and Furby came prepared for the gorgeous weather with their own sun visors. These two have personality to spare!

Thanks again to all of those who came out! Make sure to share this post far and wide so we can ensure that all of the little doggies see their images. And stay tuned to this blog – we’ll be posting Part 2 soon!
Aug 4, 2014
I love my weekly visits to Toronto Animal Services! The kid’s camp is still in full swing so it is nice to see all the adorable furry faces get their fill of walks, play, love and cuddles from eager campers. They also seem to get a good amount of treats and rewards as they learn new tricks and commands. And I have some very willing assistants to help me with handling the dogs as we get gorgeous adoption images of their charges.
All of these furry faces are available for adoption. You can find out their current status by contacting TAS – North directly. I will, of course, feature their little faces on the Posh Pets Facebook page and you can help by sharing their images around…it is amazing how many proud pet parents found their fur-baby via an image that was shared on social media! If that is you, feel free to contact Posh Pets Photography and let us know – it is sooo nice to hear the details of the happy endings!
Thanks to all the fans of this blog for following along! We’ll see you all next week!

Apr 8, 2014
Well, the snow has melted, the sun is shining and temperatures are rising in Posh Pets land! After a very hard winter, even the dogs at Toronto Animal Services show such a relief that it is not freezing outside, and take their time to sniff their surroundings before settling in for their photography session. We haven’t exactly got beautiful green grass yet, but the fact that we see the grass is good enough for us!
This week we photographed a very cute group of doggies. Not many cats are currently at the shelter, but we know ‘kitten season’ is coming…it always happens in the spring. It would seem that spring is just delayed on all fronts this year.
If there is someone here that you would like to get to know better, please contact TAS directly to get an update and arrange an introduction. I will be featuring these little and big ones throughout the week via the Posh Pets Photography social media channels. If you like, follow us here or here or here …

Mar 7, 2014
Yesterday was a glorious day (for pet photography and otherwise) in Toronto! We finally had some bearable temperatures, beautiful blue skies, sun and fresh, clean snow. The dogs were excited to finally get outside and not freeze their paws and bums off and, quite honestly, we were too. It was such a pleasure to photograph these adoptables and give them a chance to shine.
Each of them are available at Toronto Animal Services – North Region. If you are interested in adoption, be sure to call ahead and make sure that your intended is still available. You’ll also see their adorable furry faces on the Posh Pets Photography Facebook page. For now, take a look!

Jan 12, 2014
I headed out as we at Posh Pets made our weekly visit to photograph the adoptables at Toronto Animal Services – North. We met a lot of furry faces this week! Lots of wiggly dog bums and many happy kitties in the bubble…all awaiting their special someones to show up and give them a forever home.
As you look at their lovely faces, if you see someone you would like to meet, please contact TAS – North directly. They will be able to answer all of your questions and give you a current status on any individual pet. Even if you are not planning on adopting right now, please share this post in the hopes that many, many eyeballs will see it and through the power of the internet, we can help them find their homes!

Aug 10, 2013
There is still a youth camp going on at Toronto Animal Services this week and the dogs are having a lot of fun learning new tricks. And this week, I had 2 awesome students help me out with the adoption photos. They were great, showing off the sit and stay skills they have taught the dogs. The pictures are gorgeous!
These guys are all available (or will soon be after the camp concludes so they are not on the website quite yet) at Toronto Animal Services – North. So feel free to contact them directly if you would like to inquire about adoption. They will also be featured on the Posh Pets Facebook page during the week!

Jul 19, 2013
Another hot one this week! We took some quick, and I mean quick, photos outside of the gorgeous adoptables soon to be available from Toronto Animal Services. If you are interested, please contact Toronto Animal Services – North directly. They can give you all of the details and arrange an introduction. They will also be featured on the Posh Pets Facebook page throughout the week.