Tomorrow is a special day – it’s Bring Your Dog to Work Day! And I thought what better way to celebrate than by speaking with Sharon Jennings from The Office Dog. She is the go-to person for aspiring office-friendly dogs and dog-friendly offices and is a wealth of information on the subject. If you are thinking of bringing your dog into your workplace, here are 3 tips from her to ensure the day is a smooth one.

Bring Your Dog to Work Day is not about you. Put your dog’s needs first.
Only participate in Bring Your Dog to Work day if you honestly think that your dog will be happy there. If your pup is unsure, or fearful of new people or dogs, then it’s not the right thing for your dog – no matter how much YOU want to do it.
If there’s something your dog doesn’t like, for example, being stroked by strangers, make sure your colleagues know ahead of time – and stick up for your dog on the day if anyone crosses that boundary.
If you’re working on keeping your calm, don’t let people rough-house, or playfight with him.
If he’s on a special diet, make sure no one’s giving him treats on the sly.
Have a backup plan for if your dog is unhappy in the office. Either a friend or family member on hand to come and collect him (someone he knows well). Or advance permission to take him home – it’ll be better for everyone to get him out.
Plan ahead.
Clear your schedule for the day so that you don’t have to disappear off to meetings leaving your dog alone or in the charge of someone else.
Make sure you know where you can and can’t let your dog go to the toilet.
Find out what other dogs will also be in the office – especially ones that will be near you. If there are going to be a few dogs in a small area can you work at a different desk for the day?
Do you know where the closest vet is in case of an emergency?
Take in a bed or crate the day before, so you don’t have to struggle in with that AND your dog.
If you commute, has your dog used that mode of transport before? Could be worth a few bus or train trips ahead of time.

Take toys and treats.
Presumably you’re going to have to get some work done on the day! So, take toys and treats that will keep your dog occupied for periods of time. Avoid squeaky toys that’ll annoy your colleagues, or anything that’s liable to get him over-excited.
Try freezing some food in a Kong the night before, that should keep him occupied for a while.
A Snuffle Rug allows your dog to self-soothe as he roots around for food – and something like dried parmesan is nice and smelly, while not adding too many calories to his diet.
Well, there you have it! Thanks Sharon for taking the time to share this information with us. And if you have brought your dog to work, please share with us in the comments any things that you have found that have worked well. Have a great day tomorrow!
A bonus…
Want to capture these all of action during Take Your Dog to Work Day? Sign up here for the Tips for Taking Drool-Worthy Pictures of Your Pet With Your Phone – a free pdf showing how to work with your phone to get great imagery. Have fun out there!