Dec 21, 2012
This week’s theme was chosen by none other than Posh Pets! Each week, we see lovely images of faces and paws and such, but I thought it would be fun if we got to be creative with the other end of these furry faces.
I knew the type of image I wanted to create this week – simply the back half of one of our cats with some movement. And that is what I got! Here is Baxter, walking past a window, which backlights him beautifully. Enjoy!

This is a blog circle so there are many other images to come! Please start with For the Love Pet Photography in Portland, Oregon and feel free to leave a comment or two!
Sep 16, 2011
The idea behind this week’s theme was to get nice and close to our subject. Really close. So, I took the opportunity to use my macro lens to see what I could see…it is amazing how cool individual things can look when you focus on them completely.
Here are my cat, Ripley’s, ear! The left one to be exact. Ever ready, ever alert! You can even see his little vein running around the perimeter.

Here is his tail. I’ve always love the “ripples” in his tail!

I love this one in black and white! Again, this is the tip of Ripley’s paintbrush tail – just as he leaves because he is tired of having his photo taken, yet again!

And, just to show how a macro lens can be used for more than just close-up photography, here is Ripley enjoying the morning sun. I love the way the light falls on his face and bathes his profile in a soft glow.

Now, check and see what everyone else in the blog circle came up with. Please start with Cynthia Wood of Georgian Bay Studios and then continue all the way around until you end up back here!