Winter Blah-Busting for You and Your Pet | Dogs and Cats
Are you getting that sad eyes look more and more these days? Winter officially arrives this month and, whether your pup is a snoozing-potato-on-the-couch or one who thinks that playing in the white stuff is the best, chances are that at least one of you isn’t thrilled about dropping temps. Of course, here in Canada, Winter is our middle name. In Toronto, every day is different – we run the gamut of beautiful white snow and milder temps all the way through to those icy, cold days when no one wants to venture out. And sometimes all those types of weather happen in the same day!
No matter what your Winter looks like, it can be tempting to spend these months holed up watching movies and cuddling on the couch. And there’s nothing at all wrong with that – until you and your dog are ready for it to be done. So, whenever that hits this winter, here’s a handy list of blah-busting winter activities you and your pup can enjoy together!
1. Play Hide-And-Seek
Remember playing this as a kid? (99,100…ready of not here I come…!) If you’ve never tried this with your pup you are both in for a treat! Plus, it’s fantastic practice for recall and can be played anywhere your dog is able to be off-leash – even indoors.
It’s simple: Have your dog stay in one room of the house while you go and hide in another. Call your dog and see how long it takes for him or her to find you. When they do, ensure they get lots of praise and treats.
If you are going to do this outside, hide behind an object like a tree. If you are not in an off-leash area, have a friend hold the leash, but let the dog lead the way to find you.
Did you know cats can play this too? I’ve often played hide-and-seek with our cat, Panda, who loves to show off how smart she is when she easily finds us!

2. Be Nosey
Dog noses are amazing things and can be the path to great adventures! Letting dogs sniff freely is a great way to let them explore and can lead you both to unexpected places and sights. So when the winter blahs get you, consider taking a short trip outside and letting your dog’s nose lead the way. You might be surprised where you end up!

3. Be Crafty
I never considered myself a ‘crafty’ person, but months of lockdown proved me wrong. I also learned that we can all express our creative side in different ways. No matter your personal crafting abilities, winter is a fun time to let those creative ideas flow.
For me, I experimented with artist materials like resin, alcohol ink, watercolour, and card stock which led me to begin Posh Pets® Ink! (You can see all the lovely pet-inspired goods here.)
So, if there is something you have wanted to try, dark nights spent indoors might be the time to try. Looking for ideas? Find some fun ones along with instructions here

4. Create a Tunnel Maze
So many of us shop online and you can feel a little guilty when you see how much packaging goes to waste. Why not get some extra mileage out of your boxes laying around and extend the joy? Dogs love dens, so you can encourage them with a few treats and cozy blankets and they should love their temporary digs pretty quickly. And cats…well, just put the box down. We built a 3-story maze with entrances and exits last winter and the cats had a ball!
Have I left anything out? Email me and tell me how you and your dog and cat beat the Winter Blahs.
Winter Snow Sessions are a thing! Where would you like to go with your pup?
Where it all begins
- Pre-session Design Consult that ensures we create images you will be thrilled with.
- The result is gorgeous custom artwork the life your pet shares with your family.
- A personal Ordering Consultation to ensure you select the right images from the gallery.
- Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed for a small additional fee.
- Examples of portraits from Posh Pets Boutique™ Sessions can be found here.