Project 52 – Wide Open | Toronto Pet Photographer
Another week of Project 52 has flown by! This week we were given the theme “wide open”, which was open to all types of interpretations – wide angle lenses, large apertures, wide vistas – whatever each photographer wanted to showcase. So, I took the opportunity to go to a place I remember from my childhood. We called them the elephant backs as kids because they looked like rolling reddish-grey hills that had the texture of an elephant’s back. Invariably, we would run up and down them like crazy people, covering our clothes with a fine red soil which we tracked into our parent’s car. We, as kids, had a great time!
When we arrived last Sunday, it was apparent that I was not the only one who had had the idea to enjoy one of our last lovely fall days of 2011 in the wild. The place was covered with people. And, of course, kids running up and down the elephant backs. I saw this tree and was immediately taken with it. I can’t really explain why, but I knew I wanted to photograph it against the blue sky. This image took some patience as I had to wait for a number of variables to come together – the right wide-angle lens, the frame to be free of people and for the glorious late afternoon sun to make its appearance. But, finally, it came all together!
Apparently, this great place has a more grown up name – the Caledon/Cheltenham Badlands. Just north of Toronto, it is a great place to go and visit. And yes, we did track all that red soil in our car. The only difference now is that we have to clean it!
Please check out the next blog in the ring…Stephanie Madeline of Chase and Snap.