Rita | A Gotcha Day Celebration at Hotel X Toronto

Rita | A Gotcha Day Celebration at Hotel X Toronto

dog and girl in Trillium Park

Rita is one well-travelled dog! She is originally from Northern Ireland and is currently living in Canada with her mum who is here on a work assignment. She also has her mum run her own blog Everybody Loves Rita where she talks about her travels and experiences.

Her mum has decided that during their stay in Canada, the two of them will experience and explore as many things as this great country offers. And high on the list was a weekend trip to downtown Toronto.

Given the planned activities, Hotel X made the most sense in terms of a place to stay. Not only is the hotel gorgeous, but they are also very pet-friendly with a perfect location!

Dog Photography Session at Hotel X Toronto

We met in the hotel room that had been specifically chosen for this iconic shot – a view of the CN Tower. Nothing says Toronto more than a photo of the skyline. Mum had seen this photo from another session I had photographed and wanted to recreate it with Rita which, of course, I was happy to do. The bed and bowls are provided by Hotel X as part of their VIP enhancement.

(Insider Tip: This is definitely the one image everyone wants from their session, so room location is key.)

dog in front of CN Tower

It also turned out that it was Rita’s Gotcha Day and that is definitely something to be celebrated! She was adopted in 2018, so happy 4th Adoptaversary, sweet girl! She’s definitely living her best life now.

Rita got treats and a marvelous day spent with mum. The room was decorated. I brought some presents. And a camera. laughing

dog celebrates gotcha day in Toronto hotel

Exploring The Toronto Waterfront

We then left the hotel for a walk around the waterfront via Trillium Park. It was a beautiful day for a leisurely stoll – not too hot or too cold – and so we took our time exploring and showing Rita around.

Dog mum and dog along Toronto waterfront trail

Of course, mum could not help but notice the beautiful Inukshuk at the entrance to the park. We made a point to stop there on the way back and get a pretty sweet image of both the Inukshuk and Hotel X in the background.

I think the look Rita and her mum are giving each other says it all – their bond is one of a kind.

dog and dog mom at Inukshuk and Hotel X

We ended up back at Hotel X and took a few quick portraits in the lobby. This was a Saturday evening, so we had to move quickly! Thankfully, Rita was always ready for whatever we came up with. Her sit and stay is solid!

dog in Hotel X lobby

Want to continue to follow Rita’s adventures? Follow her blog and Instagram for all of the updates!

Want your very own dog or cat hotel session? Contact me here.

The Making of a Perfect Morning | Sunrise Session™

The Making of a Perfect Morning | Sunrise Session™

Would you be willing to get up before dawn to greet the sun?

If you have a dog, the morning walk is almost guaranteed to be a part of your daily routine. Even if it just a quick walk around the block because of the myriad of other things you have to do that day.

But…just for a moment…find beauty in the ordinary routine of life. Think about what it would be like to slow down and just relish that time with your one and only. To engage in conversation that only your dog can truly understand.

To share a moment like this…

Silhouette of dog at sunrise in Toronto, Canada

Start With the Sunrise…

Myca and his mum are two that truly celebrate their morning routine. They amble along the waterfront, taking in the gorgeousness of the city skyline when no one else is around. This is their city, their home and their time together. And on a crisp, fall morning, we got to share it all with the two of them.

Toronto skyline at sunrise with dog
The following scene is one that the two of them witness countless times throughout the year – but how to capture the first kiss of the sun in an image with Myca? Well, it’s all in precise timing (and a little practice on the part of your photographer).

We watched and waited…and waited a little more…until just the right time to have Myca find his place up on his rock. That gave him a moment to settle down into his pose – but not so long that he would become bored – just as the sun peaked up over the horizon.

The result? Exactly what mum wanted!

Bernedoodle at Sunrise

Enjoy Your Morning Run

After our sunrise was complete, we took a little walk and, like many Torontonians, enjoyed our morning run along the waterfront and the Humber bridge.

(The miracle here is the fact that we had the bridge all to ourselves! If you’ve ever been down at the waterfront in the morning, you know how rare that is.)

running dog on humber bridge, Toronto series
bernedoodle dog running on humber bridge in Toronto, Canada
happy running dog on bridge in Toronto, Canada

Take Time to Enjoy the Season

From there we moved on to where I knew there was a beautiful pocket of colour…

Autumn is truly a spectacular time of year in Southern Ontario, and you can enjoy it, even in the city. Mum wanted to capture all of that beauty of her boy and Fall in her gallery.

bernedoodle dog in autumn leaves in Southern Ontario, Canada
Mum also told me that she doesn’t like any pictures of herself. In fact, she hasn’t had a professional photograph of herself in years. Well, she doesn’t say that anymore…!
woman and her dog in Toronto's lakeshore park.

Feel the Sand Between Your Toes

And because no session would be complete without a good swim at the beach for a water-loving dog, we ended with a splash and a nice, big stick!

But, Shhh…let’s keep this our little secret. We don’t want Myca’s groomer see what we let him do…!

dog running on beach with stick and Toronto CN Tower
Myca’s gallery was so large that Mum had a hard time choosing her favourites. She ended up with a gorgeous folio box along with some stunning pieces of wall art. You can read all about the experience in her own words here.
Do you want to share the sunrise with your dog? The place to start is with a Boutique Session, described below.


Where it all begins

  • Pre-session Design Consult that ensures we create images you will be thrilled with.
  • The result is gorgeous custom artwork the life your pet shares with your family.
  • A personal Ordering Consultation to ensure you select the right images from the gallery.
  • Please note: The Creative Fee covers time and talent to photograph a maximum of four (4) subjects, which can be any combination of people and up to two (2) pets who live within the same household. Additional subjects may be photographed for a small additional fee.
  • Examples of portraits from Posh Pets Boutique™ Sessions can be found here.