SwissRidge Doodle Romp of 2017 | Toronto Dog Event
What a day was the SwissRidge Doodle Romp of 2017. Each year the ‘doodles’ of SwissRidge Kennels come together to raise money for a worthy cause and enjoy one huge ‘play date’ in Guelph for their extended family. I met pet parents who packed up their doodle(s) in a car or van, arranged travel documents and crossed the border from Pennsylvania, Illinois, Maine and Massachusetts, got on planes from Calgary, and in cars from all over Ontario and the GTA. Getting a photo of such a large group is a lot of fun!
Below, you can find some of the individual furries I was able to capture as they went about meeting old and new friends, running about and sniffing butts. I tried my best to remember the names of those I met, but without having written anything down, it is quite likely I have mixed some up. And then there were those who I did not know who mum and/or dad were. If you can provide further information, I would be happy to make the corrections.
So, without any further ado, please meet…


Tiny little Rowdy!



Finn – the kind of chocolate that is perfectly GOOD for you!





Someone receiving a little cuddle from a reassuring hand.

This is Rocky who is never far from his mum’s side.



Friends meeting…


Bernie – the beautiful black beauty!

Eala, running with the wind in her hair!


Rocky getting a well-deserved belly rub.

Pearl & Stella


Would you know your doodle by their “doodle butt”?
Thanks for making it such a good time and see you next year!
A bonus…
Want to capture these types of memories every day? Sign up here for the Tips for Taking Drool-Worthy Pictures of Your Pet With Your Phone – a free pdf showing how to work with your phone to get great imagery. Have fun out there!