Project 52 – Sports | Toronto Pet Photographer
When we received our theme for this week, I immediately thought hockey. Living in Canada during the last days of the Stanley Cup finals will do that to a person. However, when I suggested to our two cats that we dress them up in hockey jerseys for this week’s image, it was met with such a look of disgust, I immediately thought better of it. Their idea of “sport” is “endurance napping” or “finding just the right ray of sunshine to bask in” or “convince the humans that 5 a.m. is an excellent time to put down some food”. Not exactly Olympic events, although I have my suspicions that they would think that a failure on the Olympic Committe’s part.
As a result, I was thrilled to meet Caleb, a beautiful Rotti mix who loves swimming. Now, that is a sport! So, we arrived early at the park to photograph her and her wonderful family. After some beautiful images on dry land, Caleb was very excited to show off her skills in the water. Here is an image from that session. Please enjoy!
Next up is Natalia and Bill from Photo Lab. We cannot wait to see what great animal sport they captured! As always, please follow the blog circle around, until you end up back here. Caleb will still be enjoying the water!