Jan 13, 2016
No doubt about it – Posh Pets® Photography loves our home city, Toronto. It’s a great city full of great dogs, cats, and their people. It’s busy and vibrant and boasts an easily identifiable skyline. And, it simply looks spectacular in photographs!

To celebrate our home city, we’ve been working on a project for some time now – finding a way to incorporate that awesome cityscape into images with YOUR dogs. We’ve been quietly scoping out locations and enlisting the help of many urban pups and their intrepid humans.
This has not always been easy. As you know, the Toronto skyline boasts one of the tallest buildings in the world, the CN Tower. Finding a perspective that will allow me to place a sitting dog who is about 12 inches high, in the same frame as a 1,815.4 ft building can be a challenge. Even large breeds are not really all that big when you place them beside architecture.
These images celebrate that truly quintessential urban pup. You know the one…they embrace the city lifestyle. They know their neighbourhood…Uptown, downtown, the Annex, The Beach, Cabbage Town, Liberty Village…you get the idea. Toronto is their home. Or, they lived here at one point and haven’t forgotten their roots.
If you are looking to create a Posh Pups in the City™ image(s) in your Boutique Session, then you are in the right place. You might have a location in mind, or we can research and explore an awesome spot together. We will create something that you will be happy to display on your wall for years to come! Let’s do this…
PS: If you have an urban feline that loves the outdoors, does well on a leash, we would absolutely love to meet them too. Posh Cats in the City™…why not? Me-ow!

Aug 31, 2012
It is Friday, which means it must be Project 52 day! This week, we were invited to showcase some “personal work”. In other words, to photograph something just for ourselves without the motivation of a paying client. Two things that I love are travel and photography and this week I got to do both! Instead of my usual DSLR when I am working, I grabbed my Fuji x100 with its set focal length and got to play tourist for a day…
If I had to choose a city to live in the United States, it would be New York. (Although my husband loving reminds me that one only loves to live in New York if one is also wealthy…which we are not. He might have a point.) I love the hustle and bustle, the noise, the fact that the city truly “never sleeps”, and the people who I have always found to be loud, but friendly. Photographically, I love the skyline. Especially when the sun goes down.
Fortunately, I was in New York this past weekend. So, here is shot of that famous Manhattan skyline, taken at about 10:00 p.m. on a rooftop across the East River in Brooklyn. The very prominent lighted building is the tower that has been built on the site of Ground Zero. It is not quite finished, but it is definitely getting there.

Playing a little with my settings and I was able to create an abstract version. I find the bokeh of the lights very pretty.

Some day time shots of…
…Wall Street

… as well as the grand lady herself.

And, because when I travel, I always take note of how a city treats its animals, here are a few I captured this weekend…
A mobile spay/neuter clinic that also offer on-site vaccinations. How cool!

Dogs can do banking in New York City! Interestingly enough, the bank that offers this is TD Bank. For those who do not know, the TD stands for “Toronto-Dominion”. which was its name before all of the Canadian banks rebranded to acronyms (BMO was “Bank of Montreal”, RBC was “Royal Bank of Canada” etc.). So, it is a little “home away from home” and they treat dogs special to boot!

Thanks for following along! Next, is Ann Kearns, Hamilton Ontario Pet Photographer. Please check out her personal work this week and go all the way around until you end up back here with Posh Pets!