Project 52 – Bedtime | Toronto Pet Photography
This week’s theme was to show all about sleeping and how our pets’ have their spots and routines. Well, Lady Jane LOVES our bed and she spends a great deal of time on it. This week, I wasn’t feeling that well and so I spent a morning resting in bed (Lady Jane thought that that was the best thing in the world…a bed buddy) and I thought that I would document how she sleeps. After all, it is the same routine at night and the light was so much better in the morning!
First of all, when it is time to go to bed, Lady Jane will call us. She comes into whatever room we are in and meows plaintively. If we get up, she will run to the bedroom, hoping we will follow. If we don’t seem to ‘get it’, she will stand in the doorway of the bedroom and let out these long mews until we show up.
When we finally come and get on the bed (she waits and watches to make sure we are really getting into bed), she will hop up and settle down.
Now, bear in mind that these images were taken with one hand at fairly close range. Why? Well, Lady Jane not only sleeps on the bed, she sleeps on…me. Yes, that fuzzy flesh-coloured thing at the bottom of the image is my left hand and arm and you can just about see how she has her arm curled around mine. The lovely pillow she is leaning on? Yes, that’s me too. My legs, to be exact. She will stay in this position for hours, changing only to lay her head down and go to sleep in earnest.
Now, what if I move my arm? Well then, I get this wistful look, as in, “momma…why can’t we just hold hands…?”
So, that is little Lady Jane’s nighttime routine. She doesn’t sleep there all night. She will eventually make it to her stool which is beside the bed – but she is certainly has more of a need to be close to us since her brother, Ripley, passed away.
Now, let’s see what other bedtime routines are like. To begin with, please head on over to the super-talented San Diego Pet Photographer, Westway Studio…let’s see what Terran came up with this week!