Project 52 – Love | Pet Photography in Toronto
As Posh Pets continues with Project 52, I am posting an image for this week that I think captures the simple theme of “love”. For nothing is stronger than a mother’s love, be it human or animal.
We happened upon this mama cat and her baby during one of our travels in the country of Bulgaria, more specifically the ancient city of Plovdiv. The “old city” is beautifully restored and has an abundance of little shops, lining winding streets, in which you could happily get “lost” for hours. We had decided to enter a local craft shop to see what we could buy when we came across this scene. Technically, the cat was a stray. This we learned from striking up a conversation with the lovely shop keeper. She explained that mama had appeared one day and the she had kindly given her some food. Seeing as the cat continued to come around, she eventually provided a basket for her to make a bed in. And then she had had her kittens. She had never left, preferring to carefully watch over her little ones, hugging this one as he napped (he opened his beautiful blue eyes for us when I took the photo).
As far as we know, to this day neither mama or her babies have names. They are most likely still living outdoors on the streets with only the kindness of one woman to rely upon. However, it was inspiring that, in spite of her circumstances, mama cat had not turned into an angry, fearful animal. Rather she had maintained her trusting nature and allowed us to approach her. She had remained true to her nature – a domestic cat. It made me think that maybe that that sums up the power of love. To be able, in the face of unfavourable conditions, focus positively on someone else important in your life. And to allow that relationship to prevent you from losing your humanity.
Now, it is time to travel around the world. Please check out Karla Ogilvie’s blog and see her interpretation of love!