Feb 22, 2016
When I found out I would be travelling to the Canadian arctic, I offered my Posh Pets’ services to the local shelter in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. As a result, I had the opportunity to photograph some adoptables in what is probably the second most northern shelter in North America last Friday.
The Northwest Territories SPCA has a beautiful facility and the animals are cared for by some amazing staff.

It was much colder than the temperatures we usually experience in Toronto, but we were still able to take the larger dogs out for a quick portrait or two.

This sweetheart has some health challenges but absolutely loves the shelter manager. As a result, he spends most of his time in the office, sometimes serenading her with song.

These four week litter of puppies could not be taken outside, so we photographed them in their kennel. It was tight quarters, but we made it work.

And, of course, some lovely black beauties. Incidentally, Yellowknife doesn’t have a cat population problem – the cats they do have available are transferred from southern shelter. The elements and the wildlife ensure that cats here, are indoor cats.

It was just over an hour of time to have these furry little souls photographed. Although the temperatures were frigid outside, we left with nice, warm hearts. I hope they all find their forever homes soon!
Feb 26, 2014
As a pet photographer who loves to photograph dogs outside, I have asked myself (along with the many who make their home in Toronto) many times in the last few weeks, “Will this cold weather never end?” And again on Monday, this was the basis of my conversation with each of these furry faces during the brief moments that we could stand being out in the elements. I promised them that the nicer weather (and a forever home!) were just around the corner if they just held on a little longer. To ensure that my promises were not in vain, please share their images far and wide so that they have as good an opportunity as possible to be seen by the special person looking to bring them home. I, and each of them, thank you!
I’ve never photographed as many puppies in one week as I did during my time on Monday. Kaya and Duncan are both only about 15 weeks old, and Morty is still a young boy at 9 months old. On the other end of the spectrum is Clarence who is a lovely 9 year old guy. Along with their feline friends Thor, Amos, Luchio, Ameira and shy-girl Veronica, they have lots of love to give.
Each of their images will be posted on the Toronto Animal Services website as well as be featured on the Posh Pets Photography Facebook page during the week. Questions about anyone in particular? Please contact TAS directly who can give you the latest updates on their statuses.
Thanks for stopping by and we’ll see you all back here next week!

Dec 13, 2013
It was a cold one out today when I arrived at Toronto Animal Services! So, we explained to all of the dogs that we needed to be quick…and everyone put on their best smile (and we got some crazy, gorgeous ears this week)! There are a few missing from this week’s post because they are not quite available for adoption yet, but we’ll post them soon on the Posh Pets’ Facebook page. Please contact Toronto Animal Services directly if you are interested in meeting any of these furry faces…

Nov 17, 2013
This week was a big week for Posh Pets, with so many furry faces to meet and photograph at Toronto Animal Services – North! Looking for a forever friend? Then, contact TAS directly and arrange a meeting with one of these lovely guys or girls. As always, I will be featuring them each day on the Posh Pets Facebook page along with ID numbers and a little about them. Come and follow along!

Sep 10, 2013
Wow! Lots of furry faces to photograph at the shelter this week! We photographed them all yesterday when it was nice and cool, before the heat wave hits today.
They are all available from Toronto Animal Services – North. Although some may not be quite in the adoption pool yet, feel free to call TAS directly if you would like to meet anyone from these pictures. The furry faces will also be featured on the Posh Pets Photography facebook page throughout the week.
Everyone have fun and stay cool – we’ll see you next week!

Nov 7, 2012
When I went in this week into Toronto Animal Services to photograph the adoptables, I was pleasantly surprised! There were absolutely NO kitties to photograph as they had all found their forever homes during this past weekend’s “Fall in Love” promotion. I was assured that there were a number of kittens that would be coming up, but they were presently undergoing their ‘transformation’ in surgery that morning…not an ideal photo opportunity! In any case, it was excellent news first thing in the morning.
So, we quickly moved onto the doggies who needed their model headshots. And what a awesome-threesome we met this week! Please find their images below!
If you are looking for a little more information, take a peak at the Posh Pets’ Facebook page. However, if you would like to make arrangements to meet them in person, please contact Toronto Animal Services (North Region) directly.

Oct 18, 2012
Here is this week’s round-up of adorable adoptables available at Toronto Animal Services (North). As always, we have a little more information about each of them on the Posh Pets’ Facebook page and you can get all of the details by contacting TAS directly.
Incidentally, Miki (the beautiful dog in this first photo) was our 299th subject for 2012! I’m sure you would agree that she is stunning and, in person, is such a calm, sweetheart who walks beautifully on her leash. Come and meet Miki and all of her friends today!