Visit to Jordan 2 | Toronto Pet Photographer

Visit to Jordan 2 | Toronto Pet Photographer

Having just returned from Jordan last week, we, at Posh Pets, are finally adjusting to the Toronto time zone. Getting over jetlag can be so brutal!

Jordan was truly wonderful! My husband and I love traveling because it gives us an opportunity to see new things and experience exotic places. And, of course, I always love to photograph the little furry creatures that live overseas. In Part 1, I was able to share the images of the cats and dogs we met during our travels across Jordan. In this post, I am happy to showcase some more unusual animals – ones we rarely come in contact with in Toronto.

This little guy with the blue eyes was part of a flock with his shepherd near Mount Nebo. He looks alone here, but I can assure you that he had many other family members with him.

 On the other side of the same road was this young donkey with his momma, who was working. The little colt or foal was so cute and it was sweet how he stuck so closely to her. I love his white and grey coat!Transportation within Petra consists of the following options: a donkey, a camel, a horse or…your feet! The animals are affectionately called Petra taxis, and the guides will call out, “Taxi available – air conditioned!”.
 This is *my* iconic image of Petra. It is how I will always remember it!
Lastly, I just fell in love with this young foal who we met in Jerash. Layla, as I heard she had been named, had been born just 20 days previously and was learning to take her first steps.
 Thanks for taking this little trip with us! Happy travels!

Project 52 – Repetition | Toronto Pet Photographer

Project 52 – Repetition | Toronto Pet Photographer

This week’s theme was “repetition”.  Well, the week just flew by and so I leave you with something a little different – here is an image we took while we were in Santorini, Greece.  These hardworking donkeys are everywhere on the island and they help the residents and visitors navigate the steep Caldera.  In this case, they are returning home for the evening after helping carry the luggage for a local hotel, a process they repeat every day.  I also love the repetition of the donkeys all in a row and the steps – this is one of my favourite images from the trip!


You also get to participate in “repetition” this week by clicking through each of the blogs in the blog circle.  So, please check out Karla Ogilvie and see what repetition she saw in the world!