Aug 22, 2014
This week, it was just Posh Pets at the shelter. The TAS campers have gone home this week – it is the end of summer after all – but the shelter seems full of dogs of all shapes and sizes. And such sweet, sweet faces. If you are looking to add a furry someone to your home, you can definitely do well at a shelter! Contrary to some opinions, shelter pets these are not all ‘damaged’ dogs with behaviour problems, health issues or restrictions with who they can live. For the most part, they are happy, bouncy, full-of-love furry faces just looking for a special person or family to spend their years with. (Of course, if those types of issues do exist, the staff will be the first to let you know.)
So, here is this week’s group. Contact TAS – North Shelter directly for more info!
Dec 23, 2013
It’s on the lips of everyone you meet today – questions about this weekend’s Ice Storm. “Did you lose power? Have you got back your power? Did you see the trees? How is your car?” It certainly caused havoc, inconvenience and for some who are still waiting for the lights to come back on, at this point, it is far beyond that. To all of the crews who are working feverishly around the clock to get everyone back on the grid and all of those who are still affected and patiently waiting, thank you! (Toronto Hydro is updating their twitter feed regularly as the work progresses. You can follow them here.)
Here at Posh Pets‘ HQ, we lost power for approximately 6 hours yesterday. We consider ourselves one of the fortunate ones. In that time (during daylight hours), our home became uncomfortably cool. We can only imagine what it is like for the people and pets in the homes across the city where they are still without power and have had to go through 2 nights in darkness, no heat and not even the opportunity for a warm cup of tea or a hot meal. We sincerely hope that friends and family have opened their doors and that everyone is safe!
Venturing outside yesterday for about 20 minutes was enough to convince us that we needed to stay inside. Trees were creaking, power lines sparking, branches falling…it was hard to even walk without risking a nasty tumble. However, we did find some beauty amidst the chaos.
The first thing we noticed were the blades of grass poking out from under the snow were each covered in ice. Individually. It made for a very dimpled surface on the grassy areas.
The sheer weight of having every branch, every acorn, every leaf covered in a thick layer of ice was causing trees to split and branches to sheer off. The sound when they fell was incredible!
Nothing was exempt. These railings can take their time to melt and lose their icicles, but people’s cars cannot.
The sight of ice glistening in the daylight does have its own beauty.
Even the animals had to learn to cope. This little guy had only a frozen dinner for supper last night.
As bad as the weather outside might be, our pets still have to go. This beautiful senior (she’s 13!) and her human were being extra careful on the slippery sidewalks and ‘grass’.
Everywhere you looked, the City was enveloped in a layer of ice and fog.
So, there you have it – a tiny little summary from our part of the world. We hope that wherever you are and whatever you are doing, things are slowly getting back to normal. Everyone, please stay safe (and snuggle with your furry faces)!
Apr 11, 2013
Things have been busy around here for the past few weeks. So busy in fact, I have forgotten to post the lovely adoptables I photograph each week. But, do not fear – here are this week’s furry faces!
If there is someone you would like to meet, please contact Toronto Animal Services – North Region and they can set up a little “meet-and-greet” for you. And we’ll have these photos up on the Posh Pets’ Facebook page with some additional info.
Feb 1, 2013
I love action shots, so this week was fun! Sometimes at the shelter, we just let the dogs loose and they run themselves tired. The great thing about photographing running/action sequences are all of the great expressions that appear.
First of all, there is the “take off”. The eagerness and expectation of it all…
Then comes the “flat out run” face. Such concentration!
Sooner or later, the “crazy” face will appear …
And my personal favourite, the “Oof” face…the sound I believe they make when they land.
This is a blog circle, so please follow it around if you would like to see how all of the other photographers interpreted this week’s theme, starting with Connecticut Pet Photographer, Kathryn Schauer. See you next week!
Jan 22, 2013
It was a wee bit cold yesterday when I photographed these guys…not that any of them really noticed it! And the kitties were all warm and cuddly enjoying their day away from the elements.
This week we had 3 dogs and 3 cats to photograph…please take a look and share their beautiful furry faces far and wide! It would be nice to find them all their forever homes. They are all available at Toronto Animal Services – North and you can contact or visit them to meet these wonderful animals. There is also a little more about each guy or girl on the Posh Pets Facebook page (ID numbers and such).
See you next week!
Aug 28, 2012
There was a whole gaggle of furry faces that passed in front of the Posh Pets‘ lens this week! And each one was adorable and is eagerly awaiting their forever family to come and find them! There is a little more info on each of these future pets on the Posh Pets’ Facebook page, but please contact Toronto Animal Services (North Region) directly to arrange an introduction. And thank you to all that share their lovely images…it really does help in finding them homes.
Aug 12, 2012
This week was the first time that Posh Pets Photography photographed guinea pigs! They really are very cute and these two in particular, Molly and Millie, are sisters that would love to be adopted together. And there were a lovely group of furry faces, both canine and feline…so something for everyone. Don’t forget that Toronto Animal Services is offering 2-for-1 adoption fees for all cats who find forever homes until August 15, 2012. So, if you have been thinking about a new family member, don’t delay!
All of these lovely furry faces have more information about them on the Posh Pets Facebook page, so go ahead and check them out. Of course, you can always contact Toronto Animal Services (North Region) directly if you want to meet any of them!
May 28, 2012
What a lovely morning to head down to the Toronto Animal Services (North Region) and meet a fresh group of furry faces! We headed outside before it got too hot to photograph the doggies and then back inside to see the kitties. I loved meeting (and cuddling) all of you!
Here are the doggies!
And here are the kitties!
Thanks so much for checking these guys out. Please feel free to share their images with anyone who would enjoy them and especially for those who are looking for a special pet in their life. As always, they will be featured on the Posh Pets Facebook page throughout the week where you can read a little more about them. If you would like to see them in “person”, please contact Toronto Animal Services (North Region) directly at (416) 338-8723.
See you next week!