Project 52 – Circles | Pet Photography Toronto
Well, this is it – the last Project 52 theme for 2011! For this week, we were encouraged to incorporate circles in our image as it is a fitting symbol to the end of a year that simply rolls into a new one and the fact that we all participate in a blog circle as part of this group. Sounded like an easy enough theme until I set about to photograph it. To tell you the truth, I was stumped. And I remained that way until I went to the shelter and photographed this little guy sitting all snuggly in his cat house. Wonderfully, the opening was a circle. And so you have it – this week’s image of a circle!
Please follow around the blog circle starting with Dana Cubbage Photography. She’s in the middle of a big move, so she is no doubt running around in circles right now, so I cannot wait to see what she came up with!
And don’t worry – Project 52 continues in 2012. So, we will see you all back here next week!