Sep 10, 2014
Every week, I meet a new group of furry faces looking for homes. I often wonder: how did these little loves end up in a shelter? Abandoned, unwanted, with no place to go. And yet, they have such a forgiving spirit and are usually more than happy to meet me, thankful for the few moments of pets, cuddles and belly rubs. (If you want some free ‘therapy’ when you’re having a blue day, volunteer at a shelter and you could spend an hour doling about belly rubs.)
If you want to visit the following group in particular, please contact TAS – North directly. They’ll be able to give you all of the details!
This week is no exception. These first two are a bonded pair, Molly and Riley. It is always a little more challenging to photograph a pair of dogs, but I think these two did just fine!

For those of you who aren’t sure if there are any puppies in the shelter system, here’s proof that the cute and little are available. This is Bane and, by the time you read this, he is probably already adopted 🙂

And then we have our lovely feline furry faces. This trio are all in the cat pod which means they get along with other kitties and are lovely, cuddly ones. Puchi, Buck and Gerard are all waiting to meet you and purr their way into your heart.

Feb 26, 2014
As a pet photographer who loves to photograph dogs outside, I have asked myself (along with the many who make their home in Toronto) many times in the last few weeks, “Will this cold weather never end?” And again on Monday, this was the basis of my conversation with each of these furry faces during the brief moments that we could stand being out in the elements. I promised them that the nicer weather (and a forever home!) were just around the corner if they just held on a little longer. To ensure that my promises were not in vain, please share their images far and wide so that they have as good an opportunity as possible to be seen by the special person looking to bring them home. I, and each of them, thank you!
I’ve never photographed as many puppies in one week as I did during my time on Monday. Kaya and Duncan are both only about 15 weeks old, and Morty is still a young boy at 9 months old. On the other end of the spectrum is Clarence who is a lovely 9 year old guy. Along with their feline friends Thor, Amos, Luchio, Ameira and shy-girl Veronica, they have lots of love to give.
Each of their images will be posted on the Toronto Animal Services website as well as be featured on the Posh Pets Photography Facebook page during the week. Questions about anyone in particular? Please contact TAS directly who can give you the latest updates on their statuses.
Thanks for stopping by and we’ll see you all back here next week!