Oct 16, 2014
At Posh Pets, we see our share of unforgettable four-footed clients. Today, I would like to introduce you to Simon, a furry face who will stay with me a long time.

Simon is a cat. A lovely, big, brown tabby cat to be precise. With gorgeous eyes that you could look at forever. Simon loves his people and enjoys playing with them. He is mischievous. He loves his treats and the opportunity to jump and run around the house. (If you can combine all of those things together, he is one happy cat. Actually, combine anything with treats and he is content.)
Simon, however, has also battled cancer.
It was June when I got a call from Simon’s human Mom asking if I had any availability on short notice. She wanted me to come to their house and take some portraits of her beautiful boy. Simon had recently been diagnosed with ocular cancer and the decision had been made to remove one of his gorgeous eyes – a very difficult decision for the family, but one that was made with the realization that it would save Simon’s life. The surgery date had been set which is why time was now of the essence. His Mom wanted images to forever preserve the memory of him in his prime.
I moved a few appointments around and headed over to meet Simon and his honest-to-goodness, real kitty mom, Jackie. If Simon knew he had cancer, he was not about to let me know about it. We spent a lovely afternoon playing, running, hunting, jumping and yes, getting treats in order to capture his good looks and beautiful personality. And, his Mom and I talked about his life. We laughed. We cried. We hugged. When it came time to finally say good-bye, I held Simon close and told him to be a good, brave boy and return home even stronger. Simon let me give him that snuggle and then went off to play.
I waited for news of his surgery…which was an awesome success! Although the first night of his recovery was difficult, it has all been positive news since then. In fact, it would now appear though that the loss of his eye was something far worse for his people to contemplate than the reality Simon lives. During the Ordering Session, Simon was already up and about, curiously interested in what we were doing. And by the time I delivered his final art prints, he demonstrated for me his ability to stalk, chase and yes, jump much like he did before. Simon may have lost an eye, but he certainly has not lost himself.
Today, Simon’s larger-than-life art work sits above the mantle in his home. His folio box and matted art prints are loved and cherished by the family. And dear, happy, healthy Simon seems content with it all.

Aug 28, 2014
It would appear that this is the week that Summer decided to make its appearance in the land of Posh Pets (Toronto). Up until now, we have had an unseasonably cool summer. But not this week – lots of temperatures in the 30s with humidex levels in the 40s. I think it took some of us by surprise. It’s also a good time to remind everyone – leaving a dog or any pet in a locked car for even ‘a few minutes’ can be deadly. Try waiting for a friend in your car without the doors open or the air-conditioning blowing and you’ll see what I mean. Keep those precious furry faces safe! We did however, have a chance to have the dogs outside at TAS (in the shade) and take some lovely portraits. And the kitties make an appearance this week too – camp is over and we have use of the Cat Pod back where the cats roam and interact with each other. So nice to see you guys again! These guys and girls are all available from Toronto Animal Services – North. If you would like to meet one of them, give TAS a call and they will set up a meet-and-greet for the both of you. Enjoy your last week of summer! 

Feb 26, 2014
As a pet photographer who loves to photograph dogs outside, I have asked myself (along with the many who make their home in Toronto) many times in the last few weeks, “Will this cold weather never end?” And again on Monday, this was the basis of my conversation with each of these furry faces during the brief moments that we could stand being out in the elements. I promised them that the nicer weather (and a forever home!) were just around the corner if they just held on a little longer. To ensure that my promises were not in vain, please share their images far and wide so that they have as good an opportunity as possible to be seen by the special person looking to bring them home. I, and each of them, thank you!
I’ve never photographed as many puppies in one week as I did during my time on Monday. Kaya and Duncan are both only about 15 weeks old, and Morty is still a young boy at 9 months old. On the other end of the spectrum is Clarence who is a lovely 9 year old guy. Along with their feline friends Thor, Amos, Luchio, Ameira and shy-girl Veronica, they have lots of love to give.
Each of their images will be posted on the Toronto Animal Services website as well as be featured on the Posh Pets Photography Facebook page during the week. Questions about anyone in particular? Please contact TAS directly who can give you the latest updates on their statuses.
Thanks for stopping by and we’ll see you all back here next week!

Nov 17, 2013
This week was a big week for Posh Pets, with so many furry faces to meet and photograph at Toronto Animal Services – North! Looking for a forever friend? Then, contact TAS directly and arrange a meeting with one of these lovely guys or girls. As always, I will be featuring them each day on the Posh Pets Facebook page along with ID numbers and a little about them. Come and follow along!

Sep 6, 2013
With Labour Day, this week was a short one! Which meant the shelter was super busy on Tuesday when I went in to meet the furry faces. Given how busy the staff were, I focussed on the gorgeous kitties and here are the results. Every one of them would make an awesome family pet – all friendly and cuddly, most wanting belly rubs.
If you are interested in meeting one of these beautiful felines, please contact Toronto Animal Services – North directly.

Feb 27, 2013
I was back at Toronto Animal Services – North on Monday and the weather was definitely milder! Which was a nice change from the previous week. Photographing some other wonderful wagging tails and furry faces is always a highlight of my week.
This little troupe is available from TAS – North, so please contact them directly to inquire about them. As always, there is some information such as ID number and other little details on the Posh Pets’ Facebook page. Enjoy and see you next week!

Feb 6, 2013
I am a little late with getting this post up this week, but not to fear…we met some lovely furry faces this week! They are all available from TAS – North, so if you are interested in meeting one of them, give them a call directly to find out a little more. And, as always, a bit more information about each one of them is available on the Posh Pets Photography Facebook page.

Jan 2, 2013
It was the last day of 2012 when I photographed this lovely bunch of furry faces! There are 6 dogs and 5 cats, all looking for their forever homes. If you would like to meet someone, please contact Toronto Animal Services – North Region directly and let them know who you are interested in. Identification numbers can be found on the Posh Pets’ facebook page!
First, are the kitties…

Next, are the doggies (who enjoyed the snow!)…

Dec 26, 2012
This week had quite a variety – 4 dogs, 2 cats, a hamster, a rabbit and a bird! They are all available from Toronto Animal Services (North), so contact them to arrange a meet-and-greet. There is more information on the TAS website as well as the Posh Pets’ Facebook page…so please have a look!
First up was the hamster! Cookie Dough is obviously quite tame and enjoys human interaction.

Then I met the appropriately named Birdie, a little budgie.

Then there was Ginny, a beautiful brown tabby cat.

Pepsi is one curious kitty cat, and loves to climb all over you to get to the treats!

Whitley is great, even though he is in need of a haircut. His eyes practically disappear!

Thoughtful little Plato is here contemplating the secret to happiness in life. And he thinks it probably has to do with having a home of one’s own.

Dorrie is a sweetheart! She is a little timid and shy when you meet her, but warms up within 20 minutes. She plays “fetch” with her balls and hoards her toys in her bed. She needs someone worth of the loyalty and devotion she has to give!

And here is Jingles, looking magnificent against his royal blue background!

Last, but not least is Monroe, the Westie on high-octane gas. This guy likes to go, go, go! During his photo session, there was no getting him to sit for a picture, so we simply let him loose and had him run straight at me!

Sep 27, 2012
A few days ago we spent some time in Caesarea, specifically amongst the ancient ruins that date from King Herod’s time. The views of the Mediterranean Sea were stunning and it was somewhat overwhelming to stand on the remains of what was, at one time, the busiest port and to imagine what life was like. Today, Caesarea has been revitalized with art and jewellery stores together with some amazing restaurants where you can sit and enjoy the view.

One thing we did notice as soon as we got there was that there seemed to be a lot of cats enjoying the view (and the friendly pats from the tourists!) as well. The first one we met was Tommy, as the staff told us. A seemingly homeless cat who had a name and looked as good as he did…well, we knew that there had to be someone caring for him. A little while later, we noticed a sign with an arrow saying, “Cat’s Corner”. We couldn’t resist and so off we went to explore a bit. We came upon a little shop named Cat’s Corner just as it was evidently supper time. For there was the shop keeper banging a spoon on a table and feeding a group of cats.
In speaking with her, she told me the story. She currently cares for approximately 30 cats who have all come from abusive environments. Caesarea has become somewhat of a refuge for these homeless kitties. Sometimes people just abandon them on the property for her to care for. Which is a better option than what others do. She has an arrangement with a kindly veterinarian who comes once a week, on a volunteer basis, to check up on them and to ensure that everyone is happy and healthy. And she tries to educate people that cats are loving creatures who should be treated kindly. Unfortunately, she explained, Israeli children seem to “come out from the womb kicking cats” and thus, most cats are scared of people.
Her store has all kinds of cat-related items and she uses 10% of her profits toward the upkeep of her growing brood. She also gladly takes donations which one can place in a little basket. Although, for a time, they thought someone was stealing the money as some would go missing every day. It wasn’t until they made a point of watching very carefully that they found out who the thief was…the very same Tommy that we met!
So, should you ever be in Israel, be sure to take in the views of Caesarea and visit Cat’s Corner…there will probably be more than 30 cats by then!
Here is the famous Tommy…

This beautiful boy has a bit of a bald line on his flank. The reason? Someone wanted him away from their restaurant and so threw hot oil on him! He was in agony, but has been nursed back to health in Caesarea and continues to seek out cuddles and gentle pets from people.

This is Tiger who is still a bit shy of people but will watch you with great interest from afar.

Jul 31, 2012
Here are this week’s adoptables all looking for a forever home! There are a number of kitties this time around, so please share their faces to help them get a little exposure. And if you see one you like, please contact Toronto Animal Services (North Region) directly and arrange to meet them!
For more information, you can also check out the Posh Pets Facebook page…they are all there gazing back at you!

Jul 10, 2012
Yesterday was a beautiful morning as I headed off to meet the furry faces at Toronto Animal Services – lots of kitties and a quite a few dogs make up this week’s group! Please check them out and share their images so that they can find their forever homes soon! If you are interested in finding out additional information, please contact TAS directly. The Posh Pets’ Facebook page will have their ID numbers, which will help identify them.

See you all next week!