Back with another edition of Project 52 with the Beautiful Beasties group! And this week’s theme was to photograph the “favourite things” of our pets. Truthfully, it wasn’t hard to identify those with our two senior kitties. At 17 and 15 years of age, Ripley and Lady Jane are not very much interested in any toys that they might have collected through the years. And they are quite different from one another in their tastes – Lady Jane likes treats; Ripley not so much. Ripley loves to be picked up and cuddled; Lady Jane lets out a plaintive cry if we carry her anywhere. But the one thing they can both agree on is how much they love the bed.

As in, OUR bed.

Sleeping and lounging these days is a full-day affair, and our bed seems to be the favourite venue. I have often joked with my husband that Ripley and Lady Jane allow us to sleep in THEIR bed, not the other way around. Even now, as I am typing this, my husband is attempting to change the sheets on the bed and Ripley is “helping” by staking his claim and refusing to move.

So, here is Ripley, looking cute as ever, hanging out on our bed…(All this sleeping must help…I think he looks much younger than his 17+ years!)

Next is Fort McMurray Pet Photography, KLAD Photography – it will be fun to to see some of her dogs’ favourite things! And then please click all the way around the blog ring until you wind up back here. Ripley will still be lounging when you make your way back…



Toronto pet photography mini sessions

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